Rosemont West Neighborhood Association

New Charter and Bylaws

January 2002




of the




January 1981
Bylaws amended April 1, 1999
Bylaws amended December 2, 1999
Charter amended January 27, 2001
Charter amended October 20, 2001
Bylaws amended December 6, 2001
Charter amended January 24, 2002
Bylaws amended January 24, 2002


of the


This neighborhood association is formed to promote meaningful participation and lasting relationships among neighbors and to promote the enhancement of the lifestyle found within and between this neighborhood and other neighborhoods.

This neighborhood association shall be known as the Rosemont West Neighborhood Association. The area of the Association is bounded on the North by Broadway, on the East by Rosemont Blvd. between Broadway and Winsett Street and by both sides of Rosemont between Winsett and Eastland Streets, on the South by both sides of Eastland Street, and on the West by Swan Road

The purposes for which this Neighborhood Association is formed are:
A. to maintain a quality residential neighborhood and enhance its aesthetic qualities;
B. to encourage development of architecturally compatible buildings where open land exists in accordance with the character of the neighborhood;
C. to prevent incompatible high-rise and industrial encroachment throughout the neighborhood and environs;
D. to protect and preserve the neighborhood park and schools;
E. to provide for and encourage desirable neighborhood developments;
F. to discourage and control the movement of heavy vehicular traffic throughout the neighborhood;
G. to influence location of businesses and services in the area which are compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood;
H. to create and participate in programs for social and human growth and development in the neighborhood;
I. and to perform such other activities as may be in the furtherance of the neighborhood interests.
A. A Member shall be a person who either resides or owns real property within the Rosemont West Neighborhood, or a business, agency or organization who either rents or owns real property within the Rosemont West Neighborhood. A Member shall be entitled to one vote providing that that member is current and in good standing by the January Annual Meeting. However, each person who attends Rosemont West Neighborhood meetings as a Member or as a representative of a business, agency or organization who is a Member, shall have no more than one vote whether he is a Member and/or represents one or more businesses, agencies, or organizations who are Members.
B. Minimum age for membership is eighteen years.
C. Dues will be determined by the Neighborhood Representative Board. Charter membership dues for the formation of the organization and the first election of officers shall be $1.00.
D. Any membership shall remain in force from the call to order of the annual general meeting in January through the call to order of the annual general meeting of the following year.
A. The officers of the association shall be as follows:
a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

B. The duties of the officers shall be provided in the bylaws.
A. The affairs of the association shall be conducted by the Neighborhood Representative Board. Meetings shall be open to all members of the Association.
B. The Neighborhood Representative Board shall be composed of no more than twenty-six voting members, in addition to the officers, and shall be elected by the membership and shall serve in guiding and advising the Officers of the association in all matters and shall make policies which are consistent with the proposes defined in the Charter by majority vote.

Bylaws shall be adopted at the organizational meeting called for this purpose and thereafter may be amended by the Neighborhood Representative Board.

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Charter and Bylaws and any special rules of order the association may adopt.

The annual meeting and other membership meetings shall be set by the bylaws.

This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Members present at a meeting called for this purpose.

This association may be dissolved by a majority of Members present at a meeting called for this purpose. Any assets of the association may be transferred to a successor organization or such other non-profit organization as designated by the Voting Members at the time of dissolution.


of the


A. The officers of the Association shall hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
1. The President shall call and preside at all membership and Neighborhood Representative Board meetings, shall act for and in behalf of the membership of the Association, shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the Association and shall act as official spokesperson of the Association. The President shall implement the decisions of the Neighborhood Representative Board.
2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume all of the duties of that office.
3. The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all the Neighborhood Representative Board, membership, and special meetings’ minutes, and all legal documents, and legal transactions of the Association. The Secretary of the Association shall transcribe the minutes of all meetings, and shall transmit one copy of each set of minutes to the President within twenty-five (25) days of the meeting.
4. The Treasurer shall retain all receipts and a permanent record of all financial business of the Association. An up-to-date financial report shall be submitted at each regular meeting.
B. An officer shall not hold more than two consecutive terms in any one office, and no member shall hold more than one office at a time.
C. All records of the officers are the property of the Association.
D. No officer shall disseminate any correspondence, publication, or communication that purports to represent any position(s) of the Rosemont West Neighborhood Association or the Neighborhood Representative Board without the prior approval of a majority of the Neighborhood Representative Board.
A. Standing committees shall be: Membership Committee, Publicity Committee, and any other committees found necessary by the Neighborhood Representative Board. The duties of the standing committees include:
1. The Membership Committee shall enroll members annually to the Association and maintain all records of membership.
2. The Publicity Committee shall develop and implement, upon approval by the Neighborhood Representative Board, all publicity campaigns.
B. Members of standing committees shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Neighborhood Representative Board within the first ten days of office. The members of each committee shall be responsible for selecting the chairman.
C. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees, and shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the business of the Association.
A. An annual membership meeting shall be held on the fourth Thursday of January at a time and place designated by the President. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Neighborhood Representative Board. Not less than twenty-five (25) members shall have the privilege of petitioning a special meeting at any time.
1. The purposes of this annual membership meeting shall be: 1) the presentation of the Annual Reports of all the officers, 2) the election of officers, and 3) the installation of officers elected.
2. At least a ten (10) day notice shall be provided to all members in advance of any membership meeting.
3. The voting members present shall constitute a quorum.
B. The Neighborhood Representative Board shall meet on the first Thursday of each month at a time and place designated by the President, or as often as necessary.
1. Any ten (10) members of the Neighborhood Representative Board may petition the President for a special meeting of the Board at any time.
2. A quorum of the Neighborhood Representative Board shall be one more than half of the membership of the Board.
A. Nominations of officers and neighborhood representatives shall be made by the Nominating Committee appointed by the Neighborhood Representative Board and from the floor of the annual meeting held in January.
B. Election of officers and neighborhood representatives shall be held on the same day as nominations.
C. The Neighborhood Representative Board shall be composed of no more than twenty-six voting members, in addition to the officers, who are selected from each of the different streets within the Association boundaries as defined by Article I of the Charter. If no member from any one of the different streets is willing to serve, then nominations for and the election to fill that seat will be made at large.
D. Three (3) members and a chairman from the existing Neighborhood Representative Board shall be appointed by the President at the January annual meeting to act as election tellers.
E. In the event an election teller is nominated for any office, he/she shall be removed as election teller and replaced by an alternate.
F. Upon installation of the officers, whose terms begin at the close of the annual meeting, all documents, records, and materials which pertain to the duties of the office as designated in the bylaws and which are in possession of the outgoing officers shall be submitted to their newly elected counterparts within fifteen (15) days of installation.
G. Any vacancies occurring during the year of any officer or member of the Neighborhood Representative Board shall be filled by appointment by the Neighborhood Representative Board.
H. In the case of a leave of absence of an officer, all documents pertaining to the officer’s various Association functions shall be transferred to the person appointed to fill the office for the duration of the absence. The transfer shall occur within ten (10) calendar days of the officer’s leave of absence being approved.
I. Any member of the Neighborhood Representative Board who is absent without excuse for three (3) consecutive meetings of the Neighborhood Representative Board shall be eliminated from the Board automatically.
J. In the event that an officer or board member does not return all the property, records, or documents of the Association within 15 days of termination, that person can never again be elected or appointed to the board or any office of the Association.
K. Any officer or board member can be removed from office by a 2/3-majority vote of the Neighborhood Representative Board.
A. Withdrawal of funds of the Association may be made with the signatures of two (2) officers as designated by the Neighborhood Representative Board.
B. A11 withdrawals must have the majority approval of the Neighborhood Representative Board.
C. The Neighborhood Representative Board sha11 establish a contingency fund for the purpose of maintaining the everyday operating expenses of the Association; defined as postage and miscellaneous expenses of meetings and meeting places. The Treasurer must have approval of the Neighborhood Representative Board to renew the contingency fund. Financial records and funds of the Association sha11 be audited at least once a year by a committee of at least two (2) members of the Association, appointed by the President, before a new Treasurer takes office.
D. If it becomes necessary for the Treasurer to relinquish that office, the records and funds of the Association shall be audited by a committee of at least two (2) members of the Association, appointed by the President.
E. No officer or board member shall be reimbursed for expenses (postage, correspondence, trip expenses, purchasing of equipment, etc.) without prior approval of the board.
A. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Neighborhood Representative Board.
B. Proposed amendments shall be sent to a11 members of the Neighborhood Representative Board at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting where action is to be taken.

Adopted on January, 1981
As amended by Neighborhood Representative Board on April 1, 1999
As amended by Neighborhood Representative Board on December 2,1999
As amended by General Membership on January 27, 2001
As amended by General Membership on October 20, 2001
As amended by Neighborhood Representative Board on December 6, 2001
As amended by General Membership on January 24, 2002
As amended by Neighborhood Representative Board on January 24, 2002

President Vice President

Treasurer Secretary

Rep. for 12th St. Rep. for 13th St. E. of Niven

Rep. for 13th St. W. of Niven Rep. for Broadway & Swan

Rep. for Cecelia E. of Niven Rep. for Cecelia W. & Via Reposa

Rep. for Cooper E. of Niven Rep. for Cooper W. & Nema

Rep. for Julia Rep. for Melissa & Niven

Rep. for Paseo Luisa Rep. for Rosemont

Rep. for Scarlett E. of Niven Rep. for Scarlett W. of Niven

Rep. for Timrod Rep. for Winsett E. of Niven

Rep. for Winsett W. of Niven Rep. for 17th St. E. of Niven

Rep. for 17th St. W. of Niven Rep. for Montecito E. of Niven

Rep. for Montecito W. of Niven Rep. for 18th St E. of Niven

Rep. for 18th St. W. of Niven Rep. for Eastland E. of Niven

Rep. for Eastland W. of Niven Rep. for Janet

Posted by rose45 on 01/11/2003
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