Residents of Rosetree continued support of Neighbor to Neighbor?’s Crisis and Supportive Services is greatly appreciated. In the last quarter of 1999, your donations were 163 pounds of food. Thank you, you are great.
We would like to thank whomever it is that is keeping our library so nice and neat. We also want to thank Rodney & Dawn for putting the nice red Weber grill out by the picnic table. It belongs to them but they said everyone can use it. There is also a black Weber on the south West end that is for everyone?’s use. We hope to have a picnic table on that end also. Rosetree has horseshoes, volleyball and badminton for everyone?’s use. Ask Apt. 110.
Our give and take table in the garage seems to be a big success. Many nice items are being reused. Thanks to all for the donations.
Thanks to the residents for sweeping their garage stalls and for cleaning up the car wash when they wash their cars. Everyone has been very good about it.