Rotary Park Neighborhood Association


Posted in: Parkwood Ranch

Everywhere is the same. You get people that yes... they need a nice reminder and we hope that they act upon it, but then, we all have neighbors like - YOU - who just LOVES to get in their neighbor's business and HARRASS them to death. While maybe starting with a valid concern... YOU - our unwanted/recently moved neighbor - finds great pleasure in OBVIOUSLY bringing your personal (or work related) frustations to our neighborhood and quickly enough, we know why you had moved. Yes - You had already "burned" all your previous neighbors and of course, move to another neighborhood to find the same/maybe new issues and once again, strive and love in making others share how miserable you are. I especially feel sorry for people like you since for example, I lived in my neighborhood (owned my house for 7 years) and NEVER said a word to any of my neighbor on any matter whatsoever and still, get people like you (recently moved - maybe renting) who start leaving notes and/or showing up at my door to tell ME what to do? Mind your own business. Get busy with a hobby. Fix your personal life first and then, share LOVE and not this kind of VERY stupid Neighborhood Hate everywhere you move to. Signed... "Mind your own Business"!

Everywhere is the same. You get people that yes... they need a nice reminder and we hope that they act upon it, but then, we all have neighbors like - YOU - who just LOVES to get in their neighbor's business and HARRASS them to death. While maybe starting with a valid concern... YOU - our unwanted/recently moved neighbor - finds great pleasure in OBVIOUSLY bringing your personal (or work related) frustations to our neighborhood and quickly enough, we know why you had moved. Yes - You had already "burned" all your previous neighbors and of course, move to another neighborhood to find the same/maybe new issues and once again, strive and love in making others share how miserable you are. I especially feel sorry for people like you since for example, I lived in my neighborhood (owned my house for 7 years) and NEVER said a word to any of my neighbor on any matter whatsoever and still, get people like you (recently moved - maybe renting) who start leaving notes and/or showing up at my door to tell ME what to do? Mind your own business. Get busy with a hobby. Fix your personal life first and then, share LOVE and not this kind of VERY stupid Neighborhood Hate everywhere you move to. Signed... "Mind your own Business"!

Thanks for posting this info on your HOA.  I was considering buying a house in the neighborhood but I am having second thoughts now.  The only thing worse than a do nothing HOA is one that is overly intrusive.  For example, many properties have RV gates but you are not allowed to have your RV visible.  What?  Do I have to dig a hole in the back yard to park my travel trailer?


Again, my thanks to all of you for posting.

This whole coversation goes to prove that because of some snooty rich wannabees they have to have everything primped and proper for them to live comfortably in. These are the type of people who would DIE if we lost all electricity in the world because they have to have their tech savy garbage to survive. You should just be lucky to 1. Be alive 2. have a place to live. People who are picky and snooty like this should experience losing everything they own in a F5 tornado! Then maybe they will wake up and just be happy to be alive!

   I can understand it if people are living trashy with junk visible everywhere or uncut grassthats very high. But when people are picky just because some one was too busy to cut their grass on time, trim the hedges, garbage like that-then maybe the rich wannabe cry babies should move their butts up to scottsdale where they belong! 10-4?

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