Chrystal Carter, Treasurer
Phyllis Steele, Secretary
Russ Stovall, Vice President
Susan Thomas, Member at Large
Rose Pfaff, CPMC
I. Call to Order
In the absence of Bob Pittman, President, Russ Stovall, Vice President chaired the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:40PM.
II. Owner Forum
Five homeowners were in attendance. Several homeowners arrived with architectural submittals to be approved.
A matter was raised with respect to a portable basketball hoop on the NW corner of Mission & 81st Avenue.
III. Review & Approve Minutes ?– December 18, 2002
The minutes of the December 18, 2002 board of directors?’ open session were reviewed. Chrystal Carter pointed out to change the order of Owner Forum and Call to Order. No further discussion, MOTION made by Phyllis Steele, SECONDED by Chrystal Carter to accept the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved.
IV. Review & Approve Financials ?– December 30, 2002
The December 31, 2002 financials were reviewed. A question was raised regarding the amount of the water bill on the financials differed from the amount provided to Chrystal by Bob Pittman, via email. (Rose was asked to check as to the two different amounts). The $55.50 legal charges will removed/reversed. There being no discussion, MOTION made by Phyllis Steele, SECONDED by Chrystal Carter to approve the December 31, 2002 financials as presented. Unanimously approved.
V. Committee & Officers Report(s)
Russ Stovall provided a pamphlet from the City of Peoria listing the city departments or subject matter and the telephone numbers to call.
Phyllis Steele provided information regarding the wastewater treatment plant and the Wal-Mart store.
Nothing reported from the remainder of the board.
VI. New Business
Chrystal Carter stated the possibility of having the candidates attend the February meeting. If the board expressed an interest, she will confirm their attendance and let Rose know to include on the agenda.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, MOTION made by Chrystal Carter and SECONDED by Susan Thomas to adjourn the Board of Directors Open Session meeting at 7:08PM.