In late July, Mayor John Peyton recommended that the Southside Blvd/Baymeadows Road Overpass be dropped from the Better Jacksonville Plan along with several other proposals.
The Jacksonville Transportation Authority had also recommended dropping the overpass projects in April primarily due to their cost escalation. The Better Jacksonville Plan had allocated $25,000,000 for the construction of the Southside overpass, but the cost escalated to more than $68,000,000. As an alternative, Mayor Peyton proposes $2,200,000 be allocated to high tech traffic control at the intersection. The City Council must still approve the recommendation by a Super Majority Vote (13 of 19 votes).
The Florida Times-Union stated that the overpass faced strong opposition from neighborhoods in the vicinity of Southside and Baymeadows. Hundreds of concerned residents turned out at public meetings to state that an overpass would detract from the appeal of living in their neighborhoods. In addition, business owners also opposed the construction of the overpass due to the disruption of traffic flow near their businesses.
Several City Council Members, our neighbor Lad Daniels, as well as Art Graham, and State Representative Don Davis supported the residents and business owners position in their opposition the overpass.
We recognize our neighbor, Chuck Hastings for his many years of effort in leading the Royal Lakes opposition to the construction of the overpass.
We also thank the many Royal Lakes homeowners who wrote, telephoned or e-mail city officials, attended the public meetings and signed the petitions in opposition to the project.
Please note that this is only in the Recommendation Stage by our Mayor. Final actions are yet to come and your continued support will be needed.