Royal Oaks

Safety / Security

Posted in: Kansas City MO

I agree that Woodsen Estates needs to do something to assist the residence in the area of security.  We have lived in the Woodson Estates for almost 5 years, Our home have been burgularized, and our car have been broken into twice.  My home was burgularized between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on a weekday.  I believe the presence of security would decrease some of the crime. 


In October 2010, my husband discovered that someone had entered our backyard and moved a chair ro  climb the fence.  We are not sure why the person climbed the fence instead of exiting out of the gate he entered.  Now we faithfully lock the gate, and kieep our lights on at night. 


We thought moving to the Woodson Estates from South KC would be safer for our family, however it seems the same crime occurs no matter where you live.  I thought the purpose of a neighborhood association was to oversee the neighborhood by making good decisions to protect the values of our homes, and provide the best for the residents.  The neighborhood association have not been a benefit to us at all.  We have not used the pool, which seems to be the best thing offered by the neighborhood association. 


We had a a guy who use to park in front or our house daily and he would go to the house (duplex) across the street.  We are homeowners, we should not have to confront neighbors when this type of thing occur.  If the neighborhood association is enforcing "Do not park on the streets overnight" then you should be following up to ensure that people are following your directives.   


I am also disappointed with the snow removal (or lack of).  On N60th St, we can barely get off the street due to the heavy slushy snow on the corner of Woodson/60th St.   Thanks for allowing me to vent my frustrations with our neighborhood association.



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  • bedsall
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Kansas City, MO
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Dustin, I've lived in East Swope Highlands for almost 15 years. Over those years I have run off drug dealers, copper thieves, burglars and car thieves. Not only do I live here but my real estate office is located there also.


I carry a gun at all times and I am not afraid to use it! KCMO PD is understaffed and underfunded. As the problems continue to escalate and the PD becomes more overwhelmed we are going to have to rely more and more on each others watchful eyes to protect our homes and our families.


Report all suspicious activity, write down and call in any suspicious vehicles description, keep a long of any unusual activity you see. The KCPD also offers training that may help you learn to recognize what is suspicious. Probably one of the most informative classes is the Citizens Police Academy.


Being a real estate broker with over 26 years in Property Management, I can tell you that drive by securty services are not very effective and can be very costly. It is up to us to keep our neighborhood safe.


By working together with each other and with law enforcement our neighbors just ran off a group of criminals that were operating out of a commercial building at 67th and Richmond. It took us months and a lot of work, but they were raided and are now gone!


I personally tried to work with the creep that owns the building and he cussed me out, but now he has a vacant building and no rent.


D. Ben Edsall


Turn-Key Properties LLC



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  • rsampson
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Kansas City, Mo
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  I've lived off 31st & Troost for the past 30 years. Have had my house broken into twice,

     only lost a VCR. Have been woken up late night many to the sound of my floor jack

     being drug down the alley, never successfully. Best defense is a good sound garage ,

     front dooor and good neighbors. We've chased out all the Section 8 apartments in the

     vicinity, but can't get rid of the soup kitchens and pantries. My work colleagues don't

     seem to understand that the soup kitchens bring in the unwanted into the area. My

     beleif is if you can afford to put gas in and insure a vehicle, then you can and should

     feed yourself as well.

  I've been working with the city as a neighborhood representative to MidTown for the

    past 15 years. Working for change. Don't gripe unless you're willing to pitch in and


Thanks for your ears...

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