Runnels Community

No Pit Bull Ordinance

Posted in: Wyandotte

Right ON!!! Cool

Rots are NO comparison to German  Sheps.  LMAO!!!! NO comparison!!!! Sheps are a breed several classes above.  Otherwise you'd see them in the military and law enforcement.  They are just as 'dangerous' as pits.  That's just breed discrimination.

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  • Jaloney
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Yes there should be an ordinance but wealthy dog fighters are paying reality t.v. stars to dupe the public by promoting the dogs on t.v. (just like they used celebs to promote cigerettes in the past). They also have a very well organized network on facebook that harrasses  victims and politicans to fight regulations. The problem is these people on facebook and via email are not the locals in the communities that the leaders represent but people from around the world. When dog fighting was made illegal, they hatched a well organized campaign to hide their billion dollar sport in plain sight by promoting these dogs to everyone as  pets. Shelters nationwide are stuffed with pitbulls, yet pitbull advocates and owners do not sterilized their pets as often as owners of other dogs. 18 people have been killed in the USA this year.. not including two boys in Georgia that were killed by cars in two separate incidents where the boy ran into the street to escapea an attacking pitbull. Hundreds of horrific maulings on people are occurring too. PhD study Mortality, Maiming and Mauling by Vicious Dogs, Annals of Surgery April 2011 found that pitbulls that are unabused snap and kill. They also found that pitbulls are removing a victims body part every 4 days now, and that pitbulls cause the most disability, disfigurement, and death, as well as the highest hospital charges. Some insurance companies have dropped pitbulls from their coverage as they have to pass on the costs to their clients. State Farm is now PROMOTING pitbulls online as they do cover the dogs and pass the costs onto all of their policy holders. Areas with bans raise property values and as the costs of constantly euthanizing pitbulls goes down, the taxes devoted to animal control go down. Bans are more humane than continually breedng a dog to die, and have been attributed to drastically reducing gang-related violence as well. Pitbull bans are all good. Less than 2 percent of the victims of pitbull attacks receive any damages from the pitbulls owner even when the dog attack results in huge medical bills (pitbull attacks usually require multiple surgeries to recover). People are sitting ducks and don't know it, as most pitbull owners are renters and the landlords are NOT liable for actions of the pitbull. Bankruptcy is often used or the civil suits are tied up in court for years while the victims lose their homes and businesses. People are better off getting hit by a drunk driver than they are getting mauled by a pitbull. Google Daxtons Friends for Canine Education or dogs bite. org for more information. Kids growing up looking like bombing victims here in the USA are more and more common and it is sad to keep treating these victims like they don't count.

  • Stock
  • Jaloney
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

In Dayton Ohio earlier this year, Klonda Ritchie, a woman had the pitbull/mastiff mix dogs that  lived next door to her on videotape and she appealed to the judge to get a restraining order against the dogs as she made over a dozen calls to animal control and NOTHING was done.  The judge denied her restraining order. She was found mauled to death and naked in her own driveway. It is getting out of control. Animal control is very protective of the dogs now over and above people.

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