Russell Neighbors

Bicycle use on Ainsworth

Posted in: Concordia
If you live in the Concordia or Woodlawn neighborhood, please respond. How many residents would be in favor of having the median on Ainsworth reduced in order to add bike only lanes. Bike lanes could reduce traffic volumes and also act as a traffc calming device. Respond and let me know your thoughts

Sounds expensive

I live one house off of Ainsworth. I like the idea of a bike lane - safer for both bikes and cars. However, that sounds tremendously expensive, plus it would diminish a significant factor in the aesthetics of our neighborhood. Why not put a bike lane on Killingsworth instead?

bike path

A bike path on aimsworth would not be too expensive. One option would be to remove on street parking and paint some striping for the bike lanes. another would be to reduce the size of the median and leave the onstreet parking. This option would be more expensive and take a lot more time to implement. A path on killings worth exists from about 42nd all the way to the confluence with lomabrd. West of 42nd however, is very narrow and very busy during peak periods. How do you guys feel about these alternatives among others?

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