Let's Talk about Crime Prevention
Do you know what prevention means? It means making it harder for something harmful to happen.
Crime prevention means reducing the chances for criminals to victimize you, your family, and neighbors. It means protecting property and teaching kids and adults to be alert and aware. It means doing things that build communities up, and stopping things that tear communities down.
You need to go beyond watching out. You need to help out, too. When all is said and done, your safety, health, and satisfaction depend on the well-being of others. That’s why partnerships are such a key part of successful crime prevention. It takes everyone working together. Whether you’re 8 or 80, the best weapons against street crime are alertness and common sense. October is Crime Prevention Month. Let’s actively practice crime prevention and helping out to make ourselves, our children, and our communities safer, healthier places to live.
1. Stay alert and tuned into your surroundings, wherever you are.
2. Stand tall and walk confidently.
3. Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave quickly.
- Choose busy streets and avoid passing vacant lots, alleys, or deserted construction sites.
- At night stick to well-lighted areas.
- Don’t walk or jog alone. Take a friend or neighbor along if possible.
- Get to know the neighborhoods where you live and work.
- Find out what stores and restaurants are open late and where the police and fire stations are located.
- Carry your purse close to your body, and keep a firm grip on it.
- Carry a wallet in an inside coat pocket or front pants pocket.
- Don’t overload yourself with packages, and avoid wearing shoes or clothing that restrict your movements.
- Carry a whistle or other sound device in case of an emergency.
- Always lock your car and take the keys, even if you’ll only be gone a short time.
- Keep your car in good running condition to avoid breakdowns.
- If your car does break down, raise the hood or tie a white cloth to the street-side door handle.
- Stay in the locked car.
- If someone stops to help, ask him or her to phone for assistance.
- Park in a well-lit area, be sure that it will still be well lit when you return
- Be alert when using enclosed parking garages.
- Never pick up hitchhikers. Never.
- Before getting into your car, look underneath and inside it.