- koldis
- Respected Neighbor
- Bear, DE
- 4 Posts
I am concerned about the high speeds that are taken on Providence Drive and Rivers End after the speed bumps. I have almost been hit from behind a couple of times while turning because people do not slow down! Is there any feedback about getting GOOD speed bumps on Providence? A lot of people walk on the road (because of no sidewalks) and it is a danger. Thanks!

- mdk
- Respected Neighbor
- Bear, DE
- 12 Posts
Re: Speed
Your concern is my concern as well. I have witnessed cars along Providence Drive going way to fast, above the 25 Speed Limit. They don't seem to care about the speed bumps! I contacted DelDot Traffic Office with your question. The reply is that there's only one type of speed bump! The only other option we have is to look into adding additional speed bumps towards the end of Providence Drive, the back part, near White Clay Terrace and Green Spring - if this is the area of concern. This, however, requires making a request to our legislature. At our next opportunity, the Executive Board members and I will have a discussion about your concern.

- glock40
- Valued Neighbor
- 6 Posts
Speed Bumps
I have seen speed bumps made of hard plastic with an angle about 45 degrees and were you can pound them into the blacktop with long spikes. When you hit these @ 25 mph it will jolt you. Why can't Crofton Homeowner's Association invest in some or is this a liability issue?
I agree with looking into these speed bumps. Just a couple of days ago someone ran into a shed down by Rivers End and Providence because they were speeding and someone came around the corner speeding! This is a dangerous thing! Luckily no one was hurt but that was the second accident in someones yard there since I moved in a year ago. I am scared to take my child for a walk around my area of the neighborhood because of the people speeding!