Our neighborhood reputation is being tarnished by car break-ins in the parking lots at Sea Isle School, Sea Isle Park and the McWherter Senior Center. Thieves strike quickly and drive off undetected while car owners are walking the trail, playing ball or otherwise enjoying the park. They usually run up credit card bills before the victims can report the break-in.
Many parking lots have signs warning drivers not to leave anything of value in their cars to tempt thieves. One victim asked SIPNA to put up such signs at Sea Isle Park; however, there is one cardinal RULE that all drivers should follow without needing signs--even in their own driveways--
DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS IN YOUR CAR and if you place valuables in your trunk put them there BEFORE you get to the park. (Eyes are everywhere.)
These break-ins are not a reflection on our neighborhood or park. They are happening all over the county. You can help yourself and our neighborhood by taking common sense precautions.