i' like to invite aur neighborhood to meet on regular basis ,if it's posible eaven to meet at my house one saturday of the month or every other month butt we ned to meet ;
i was told by one of the city attorney the same time on august or september there will be a construction work to be performe at the rail tracks and this work will be done at nigth and like same neighbors know there where same work performed trhu the nigth and was noisy, the atorney i spoke to comented to me the they will meet with us before this star
caltrans will be instaling meater ligths on all on ramps of the freway I80 and same of the trafic will be redireted to the san pablo ave. this acording with them if there a incident and also they will reset all the ligths at san pablo ave and they will place bill board so when they re routh the trafic they will let the drivers know what on ramp they will be able to use that way they know when they clear the incident this way they can go back to the freeway .