(Compile a list of all the radio and TV stations and newspapers in your community. If you don't know how to get started--ask your local librarian.)
Here are the different parts of the media kit and how to use them:
Advertising Update
This sheet gives the media some important facts about Head Start and the names and phone numbers of people to call if they have questions. You might want to staple your program's business card to the sheet. Copy and send it with anything you have going to the media.
Videotape with Gelatin, Sponge and Gelatin/Sponge ads
Send this tape to the television stations in your community. If you can have several copies of the tape made that is good. Keep one for yourself and then make sure that every television station has one in your area. Add a label to the videotape cover with your program name and telephone number so they can easily see who sent the tape and can get in contact with you for more information. A color sheet is enclosed that shows what the 15-second gelatin and sponge ads say.
Cassette Tape Children (60 second radio ad and 30 second radio ad)
The cassette should go to the radio stations that often carry community announcements. These might be your public radio stations, or news stations. (Make copies of this tape as well if you can.)
Public Service Announcement (radio)
Copy this ad onto your letterhead. Add a number for people to call if they think they want to volunteer and a contact number at your program if the radio station wants to more information.
Brochure "A Young Mind is Like Gelatin"
There are no more color copies of the brochure but a black and white copy will still do the job. You can run off as many copies as you need of the brochure on heavier colored paper (light pink or yellow would look nice). Tell the printer to copy onto standard 81/2 by 11 sheets, double-sided and use the half tone setting on the copy machine (so the photos come out clearer). See the sample I've enclosed. Add your program's address in the left-hand corner of the middle panel (girl with puppet) and in the box with Head Start in it. Take the brochure with you to hand out at festivals, conferences, etc., or mail them. Fold the brochure in thirds. Put the address of the person or group you want to receive the brochure in the box next to the girl with the puppet and add postage. They should mail back the panel "How would you like to help?" (Make sure you had the brochure printed with your Head Start address so the mail comes back to your program.)
Put the pasta poster up in a highly visible place. It's a standard 11 by 17 paper size so you could have a printer make extra color copies.
Print Ads
The print ads are to be used to recruit medical personnel. The "They're Short..." ad is targeted to medical volunteers. We have these ads in the warehouse so we can send them to you to send out to newsletters, magazines, conference bulletins, etc. The "Print Campaign for Head Start" sheet shows you all the different ads and tells you what sizes are available. 4/C means the ad is available in 4-color. B/W means the ad is available in Black and White. Send a copy of the Print Campaign Sheet to the media in your area and tell them that these ads are available. The press will call you or contact us directly to request the camera-ready art for an ad if they like it. They will tell you the size they need and whether they want color or black and white. They will then print the ad in their publication free of charge as a public service.