Dear Head Start friends:
You know from personal experience that Head Start children get lots of support from their neighborhood centers. But these children need true friends among policymakers deciding policies that will affect them for the rest of their lives. That’s why the Government Affairs Division (GAD) of the National Head Start Association is working closely with Congress, the President, and the Administration for Children, Youth and Families to protect and build on Head Start’s high-quality services.
Since 1990, Head Start programs have been supporting GAD’s mission by taking part in NHSA’s Dollar Per Child Campaign. The goal of the Dollar Per Child Campaign is to raise at least one dollar for every child enrolled in Head Start. The 1999 Campaign raised more than $335,000—but we can do even better in 2000! Please help us reach our goal of one dollar for each of the more than 835,000 children enrolled in Head Start.
Your contributions support advocacy for legislation and regulations that affect Head Start, as well as the grassroots lobbying and office-based services backing up those efforts. Your previous Dollar Per Child Campaign contributions helped us win passage of the 1998 Head Start Reauthorization Act and substantial annual increases in Head Start appropriations—a funding increase of $313 million in fiscal year 1999 alone. These next few years will be challenging ones for Head Start programs as they put policy from the 1998 Reauthorization into practice. We need to continue strengthening Head Start and to fully fund the program so eligible children will not be left out.
Your generous donations are crucial because no federal funds or agency dues are used for GAD’s activities. Local programs and state and regional associations have worked very hard to meet the Dollar Per Child Campaign goal by sponsoring sports competitions, special events, sales of promotional items, and other types of fundraising. In fact, many programs have reached far beyond the goal, raising up to $10 per child! Please join them today by establishing your own Campaign committee. Remember—no contribution is too small.
You may send your donations to your state or regional association or directly to NHSA’s Government Affairs Division, Dollar Per Child Campaign, Department 899, Alexandria, VA 22334-0899. The Campaign runs from July to June every year; and at the Annual Conference next spring in Washington, D.C., states and regions will present their donations before the entire conference audience. Be a part of this Campaign and help us meet this year’s goal of $835,000! Thanks once again for helping to give Head Start a strong voice in Washington.
Sarah M. Greene Townley M. Hritz
Chief Executive Officer Director Government Affairs Division