Africa Grantmakers
The Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group (AGAG) is a network
of grantmakers working in, or interested in working in
Africa. The group has its roots in the Southern Africa
Grantmakers Affinity Group (SAGAG), which was designed to
encourage greater foundation interest in South Africa,
promote better grantmaking in the country, and assist
nonprofit organizations fighting apartheid.
Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy
Founded in 1990, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in
Philanthropy (AAPIP) is a national membership association
dedicated to the two-fold mission of increasing the parti-
cipation and leadership of Asian Pacific Americans in
philanthropy and increasing philanthropic resources to
those communities. AAPIP?’s members include foundations,
the staff and trustees of grantmaking institutions, and
representatives of nonprofit organizations.
Association of Small Foundations
With a membership of some 1,900 foundations, ASF works to
provide information and assistance related to quality phil-
anthropy to foundations having five or fewer persons and a
portfolio that includes all aspects of foundation work,
including public relations, writing letters, cutting checks,
mailing and processing grant applications, working with
trustees and grantees, doing site visits and evaluations,
and managing assets.
Communications Network
The Communications Network is a nonprofit membership org-
anization that promotes strategic communications as an
integral part of effective philanthropy by providing the
philanthropic community with strategic communications
leadership, guidance, and resources. The Network also
publishes "Network Notes," an e-mail newsletter focusing
on philanthropy and communications issues.
Consortium of Foundation Libraries
The Consortium of Foundation Libraries is dedicated to
enhancing learning, sharing resources, and coordinating
information services among foundation libraries and archives.
The Consortium comprises libraries and information
centers associated with public and private foundations,
private operating foundations, nonprofit organizations
whose function is to perform services for foundations or
collecting and disseminating information relating to the
foundations' fields of interest, and other nonprofit org-
anizations whose aims and operations are deemed by the
membership to be similar to the above organizations.
Environmental Grantmakers Association
The Environmental Grantmakers Association, a voluntary
association of foundations and giving programs concerned
with the protection of the natural environment, works to
increase awareness of the relationships between environ-
mental grantmaking and other areas of grantmaking and to
encourage all types of philanthropic programs to support
environmentally related activities. In addition, EGA
provides the means by which members can improve their
effectiveness as grantmakers and works to increase the
resources available to address environmental concerns.
Funders Concerned About AIDS
Funders Concerned About AIDS assists philanthropy in
being more aggressive and strategic in HIV/AIDS and
related grantmaking areas by helping funders to broaden
their strategic understanding and appreciation of HIV/AIDS
issues and increase their creativity in designing and
sustaining effective grantmaking strategies around the
Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues
Founded in 1982 as the Working Group on Funding Lesbian
and Gay Issues, FLGI works to increase the visibility of
and funding for lesbian and gay issues in the philanthropic
Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
The Funders?’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communi-
ties is a resource for foundations, nonprofit organizations,
and other partners working to solve the environmental,
social, and economic problems created by suburban sprawl
and urban disinvestment. The Network informs funders of
critical policy and grassroots developments; enables pro-
gram staff to share effective strategies and tools; builds
the capacity of key constituencies to promote smart growth
and livable communities; and raises awareness about the
interdisciplinary nature of these issues and the need for
sustained engagement by a diverse coalition of funders.
Grantmaker Forum on Community & National Service
The Grantmaker Forum on Community & National Service,
an affinity group of grantmakers representing the whole spec-
trum of philanthropy, including private foundations,
individual donors, corporate foundations and community
foundations, is organized around the belief that service
-- giving of oneself for purposes greater than oneself --
is a fundamental value of American democracy as well as
a value that should be supported and celebrated.
Grantmakers Concerned with Care at the End of Life
Grantmakers Concerned with Care at the End of Life (GCCEL)
is a national network of funders who are addressing the
critical issues surrounding the experience of dying. GCCEL
works to heighten awareness of these issues among philan-
thropic, government, and healthcare institutions, and also
helps to educate funders about what they can do to aid in
the development and research of new systems of care,
governmental and institutional policies, and public and
professional education programs.
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
Established in 1990, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants
and Refugees (GCIR) is a national network of more than
175 foundation staff and trustees representing 115 founda-
tions with diverse grantmaking interests and geographic
areas of focus. GCIR promotes awareness and understanding
among grantmakers about national and international migra-
tion trends and public policies and other issues affecting
immigrants and refugees, and works to increase financial
support for projects and activities benefiting immigrant
and refugee communities.
Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families (GCYF) is a mem-
bership association of grantmaking institutions established
to increase the ability of organized philanthropy to improve
the well-being of children, youth and families. GCYF serves
as a forum to review and analyze grantmaking strategies,
exchange information about effective programs, examine
public policy developments, and maintain ongoing discussions
with national leaders.
Grantmakers for Education
A membership organization for private and public grantmakers
that support education from early childhood through K-12 and
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, a network of people
located both in and outside the United States, is dedicated
to promoting learning and encouraging dialogue among funders
committed to the field of organizational effectiveness.
Grantmakers in Aging
Grantmakers in Aging is an educational nonprofit membership
organization for staff and trustees of foundations and
corporations active in the field of aging.
Grantmakers in the Arts
Representing over 250 organizations, Grantmakers in the Arts
is a nonprofit membership organization comprised of private
foundations, family foundations, community foundations,
corporate foundations, corporate giving programs, and non-
profit organizations that make arts grants. GIA welcomes
public sector grantmakers as affiliate members.
Grantmakers in Health
Grantmakers In Health, an educational organization dedi-
cated to helping foundations and corporate giving programs
improve the nation's health, works to foster communication
and collaboration among grantmakers and others, and to
strengthen the grantmaking community's knowledge, skills,
and effectiveness in dealing with health-related issues.
Grants Managers Network
A project of the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Grants
Managers Network, an association of foundation professionals
responsible for grants management, provides a forum in
which grants manageers can exchange information about
grants management and its relevance to efficient and
effective grantmaking.
Hispanics in Philanthropy
Hispanics in Philanthropy is an association of more than
450 U.S. and Latin American grantmakers and nonprofit
leaders committed to increasing philanthropic support of
Latino communities and to promoting greater participation
by Latinos within organized philanthropy. HIP seeks to
increase Latino representation on foundation staff and
boards, promotes efforts to strengthen the Latino nonprofit
sector, develops cross border exchanges between Latin
American and U.S. foundations, and educates grantmakers
about issues affecting Latino communities.
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples
Established in 1999, the International Funders for
Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) is a venue for communications
and resource sharing among international funders of indi-
genous peoples. IFIP provides a forum that cuts across
grantmaking disciplines to build a contextual understanding
of indigenous peoples that includes the impact of globali-
Jewish Funders Network
The Jewish Funders Network brings together Jews, nationally
and regionally, who believe that their funding decisions
must be philosophically and strategically sound and who
understand that their philanthropy goes much deeper than
the mere act of writing checks. JFN encourages membership
among individual philanthropists as well as foundation
trustees, executives, and grantmaking professionals.
National Network of Grantmakers
The National Network of Grantmakers is an organization of
400 individual donors, foundation staff and board members,
and grantmaking committee members involved in funding
social and economic justice by supporting organizations
working for change.
Neighborhood Funders Group
A membership association of grantmaking institutions
dedicated to strengthening the capacity of organized phil-
anthropy to understand and support community-based efforts
to organize and improve the economic and social fabric of
low-income urban neighborhoods and rural communities.
Technology Affinity Group
The Technology Affinity Group seeks to advance technology
best practices in philanthropy through the formation of a
network of technical and non-technical foundation staff.
TAG helps its members to spread understanding of how tech-
nology can best serve philanthropic goals, foster partner-
ships with program and communications staff, explore
appropriate future technologies, and identify resources
for technical knowledge and expertise.
Women & Philanthropy
Women & Philanthropy is an association of grantmakers,
women and men dedicated to mobilizing the resources of
the philanthropic community to achieve equity for women
and girls by increasing funding for programs that achieve
equity for women and girls.
Women's Funding Network
The Women?’s Funding Network is an association of women's
funds working to increase resources for programs benefiting
women and girls. By fostering strategic alliances among
women, donors, communities, and institutions, WFN promotes
the development and growth of women's funds with the aim
of strengthening the women's funding movement and promoting
women's leadership in philanthropy.
(2) Board Development
Board Caf?©
Board Caf?©, a collaborative project of CompassPoint Non-
profit Services and the National Center for Nonprofit Boards,
is the electronic newsletter for members of nonprofit boards
of directors. "Short enough to read over a cup of coffee,"
Board Caf?© presents ideas, information, opinions, news, and
resources to help board members give and get the most out
of board service.
National Center for Nonprofit Boards
Established in 1988 by the Association of Governing Boards
of Universities and Colleges and Independent Sector, the
National Center for Nonprofit Boards provides resources,
programs, and services to the nonprofit community and
publishes material on nonprofit governance, offering more
than 100 booklets, books, videos, and audiotapes. NCNB?’s
Web site offers Board Information Center, a free informa-
tion clearinghouse on board-related topics, and Board
Member Online, an abridged version of "Board Member," the
organization's members-only periodical.
(3) Charity Monitoring Groups
BBB Wise Giving Alliance
The BBB Wise Giving Alliance collects and distributes
information about the programs, governance, fundraising
practices, and finances of hundreds of nationally soliciting
charitable organizations that are the subject of donor
inquiries. The Alliance Web site offers an interactive form
that can be used to request information on charities that
are not included among its current evaluation reports.
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
Comprised of charitable, religious, missionary, social,
and educational organizations, the Evangelical Council for
Financial Accountability serves as a "Christian Better
Business Bureau" by making appropriate public disclosure
of its more than 900 members' financial practices and
(4) Infrastructure Groups
Council on Foundations
The Council on Foundations, a membership organization for
grantmakers, provides assistance to foundation staff,
trustees and board members through one-to-one technical
assistance, research, publications, conferences and
workshops, legal services, and an array of other services.
Foundation Center
Founded in 1956, the Foundation Center is the nation's
leading authority on institutional philanthropy and is
dedicated to serving grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers,
policymakers, the media, and the general public. To that
end, the Center collects, organizes, and communicates
information on U.S. philanthropy; conducts and facilitates
research on trends in the field; provides education and
training on the grantseeking process; and ensures public
access to information and services through its World Wide
Web site, print and electronic publications, five
library/learning centers, and a national network of
cooperating collections.
Independent Sector
The mission of Independent Sector, a coalition of more
than 700 national nonprofit organizations, foundations,
and corporate philanthropy programs, is to promote,
strengthen, and advance nont-for-profit initiative, philan-
thropy, and citizen action in the United States.
National Center for Family Philanthropy
Established in 1997 by a group of family foundations, the
National Center for Family Philanthropy serves as a resource
for family philanthropists by publishing books, conducting
research, and offering educational seminars on family
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy promotes
philanthropy that addresses the unmet needs of disadvantaged
populations through action research, technical assistance,
and policy advocacy. NCRP's reform activism targets founda-
tions, corporations, individual donors, and workplace
fundraising. In addition to information about the Committee's
projects and publications, the NCRP Web site offerss the
current issue "Responsive Philanthropy," the organization's
National Council of Nonprofit Associations
Founded in 1989, the National Council of Nonprofit Associ-
ations is a network of thirty-eight state and regional
associations of nonprofit organizations representing more
than 17,000 nonprofits throughout the country. NCNA helps
state associations of nonprofits to increase the impact,
influence, and effectiveness of local nonprofits by pro-
viding information, training and leadership; advocates for
state associations and the nonprofit sector by providing
information to national policy makers and the business
community; and increases public awareness and understanding
of the vital role nonprofits play at the local, state, and
national level by working closely with the media, legislators
and community leaders.
Philanthropy Roundtable
The Philanthropy Roundtable is an association of grant-
makers founded on the principle that voluntary private
action offers the best means of addressing many of society's
needs and that a vibrant private sector is critical to
creating the wealth that makes philanthropy possible. The
organization's Web site features synopses of articles from
current and past issues of "Philanthropy," a journal that
covers relevant topics in the field, and information about
the Roundtable's publications and conferences.
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(5) Nonprofit Academic/Research Centers
Aspen Institute
Founded in 1950, the Aspen Institute fosters "enlightened,
morally responsible" leadership by bringing together
leaders and policy makers to address the challenges of the
new century. The Institute operates internationally through
a network of partners
( )
in Europe and Asia.
Center for Civil Society Studies of the Johns Hopkins
Institute for Policy Studies
The Center for Civil Society Studies of the Johns Hopkins
Institute for Policy Studies seeks to encourage the develop-
ment and effective operation of nonprofit, philanthropic,
or civil society organizations. The Center carries out
its work through a combination of research, training, and
information-sharing both in the United States and around
the globe. In addition to its research activities, the
Center is actively engaged in education, training, and
capacity-building activities designed to improve the con-
tribution that civil society organizations can make to
societal problem-solving.
Center for Community Development and Family Policy at the
University of Delaware
The Center for Community Development and Family Policy at
the University of Delaware works with government agencies
and nonprofit and community-based organizations to educate
graduate and undergraduate students and practicing profes-
sionals about the issues, strategies, and techniques for
improving the quality of life for families and the communi-
ties in which they reside; generate knowledge about the
nature and causes of poverty and inequality in communities
and among families in the United States, but especially in
Delaware; assist public, nonprofit, and private organizations
in Delaware to design and implement policies and programs
that address important family and community needs; and
disseminate information locally and nationally about the
nature of, and solutions to, family and community problems.
Center for Community Partnerships at the University of
Founded in 1992, the Center for Community Partnerships
works to improve the internal coordination and collabora-
tion of all community service programs at the University
of Pennsylvania; to create effective partnerships between
the university and the community; to encourage creative
initiatives linking the university and the community; and
to strengthen local and national networks of institutions
of higher education committed to engagement with their
local communities.
Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at the Urban Institute
The Urban Institute?’s Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy
produces rigorous, nonpartisan research to promote an
ongoing dialogue among researchers, practitioners, and
policy makers as a means for informed decision-making on
public policy. CNP works to build the necessary research
tools, contribute to sensible theory, and develop applica-
tions that illuminate both policy and practice in the
nonprofit sector.
Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management, Arizona
State University
The Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management works
to enhance the effectiveness of nonprofits, especially
those involved in positive youth development and human
services, through interdisciplinary strategies, including
facilitating curriculum development, promoting relevant
research, providing technical assistance, and convening
people and ideas around issues pertinent to the nonprofit
Center for Public Policy at the Union Institute
The Center for Public Policy, based in Washington, D.C.,
is a research division of the Union Institute that promotes
equal access to and full participation in the policymaking
process. CPP emphasizes collaborative work and values
process as an important outcome and a means for promoting
change in thought and action. During the last decade, CPP
has concentrated on the critical role nonprofit organiza-
tions play in promoting democracy, fostering social justice,
and addressing human needs.
Center for the Study of Philanthropy at City University of
New York
The Center for the Study of Philanthropy was founded in
1986 to provide an ongoing national and international forum
for research, discussion, and public education on philan-
thropic trends. CSP?’s activities are interdisciplinary,
with a particular emphasis on multicultural philanthropy;
the patterns of giving and volunteerism by different reli-
gious, ethnic, racial, gender, and economic groups; and
foundations and corporations, both nationally and inter-
Center for the Study of Philanthropy and Voluntarism
Established in 1986, Duke University's Center for the
Study of Philanthropy and Voluntarism has three major
objectives: to support scholarly research on issues related
to philanthropy and voluntarism; to stimulate the exchange
of ideas and research findings among scholars and practi-
tioners; and to encourage the development of university
courses in the area of philanthropy. Past and current
research projects include an examination of the predicted
and actual effects of tax reform on charitable giving,
research on the implications of entrepreneurial behavior
in nonprofit organizations; and a study of the history of
philanthropic giving.
Center for the Study of Voluntary Organizations and Service
at Georgetown University
Established in 1997, the Center for the Study of Voluntary
Organizations and Service at Georgetown University sponsors
and encourages multidisciplinary and public policy research
about the nonprofit sector, philanthropy, and voluntary
service. The purpose of the Center is to build the future
leadership of the nonprofit and voluntary sector; to en-
hance the abilities of current community sector leaders
through professional educational opportunities and applied
research; and to provide a broad educational context and
understanding to students and faculty involved in voluntary
services and community outreach to develop a life-long ethos
for supporting voluntary activities and the nonprofit sector
through direct service or professional engagement.
Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University
With more than sixty faculty members from twenty-one dis-
ciplines, the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University
is one of the largest and most comprehensive academic
centers dedicated to research, teaching, and practice
related to philanthropy, fundraising, and the management
of nonprofit organizations.
Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations
Launched in 1997, the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organiza-
tions is an interdisciplinary research center based at the
John F. Kennedy School of Government that seeks to expand
understanding and accelerate critical thinking about
nonprofit organizations and civil society among scholars,
practitioners, policymakers and the general public.
Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations
The mission of Case Western Reserve University?’s Mandel
Center is to foster effective management, leadership, and
governance of nonprofit organizations in human services,
the arts, education, community development, religion, and
other areas through education, research, and community
service. In addition, the Center addresses policy and
research issues in nonprofit management and leadership
through its Distinguished Public Lecture Series, research
colloquia, symposia, conferences, and publications.
Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership at the University
of Missouri-Kansas City
The Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership at the Univer-
sity of Missouri-Kansas City was established in 1991 to
serve the nonprofit community in Kansas City and the
adjacent six-state region of Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri,
Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. MCNL?’s goal is to enhance
performance and effectiveness in the nonprofit sector
through high-quality community-oriented education, applied
research, problem solving, and service.
National Center on Philanthropy and the Law at New York
University School of Law
The National Center on Philanthropy and the Law was estab-
lished at the New York University School of Law to explore a
broad range of legal issues affecting the nonprofit sector
and to provide an integrated examination of the legal
doctrines related to the activities of charitable organizations.
Nonprofit and Public Management Center at the University
of Michigan
The Nonprofit and Public Management Center at the Univer-
sity of Michigan works to advance and promote understanding
of the contributions of nonprofit and public organizations
and the challenges of leading them successfully by creating
a stimulating and supportive environment for faculty and
doctoral students with interest and expertise in the
nonprofit and public sector.
Public and Nonprofit Management Program at the University
of California at Berkeley
The Nonprofit and Public Management Program at the Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley, was founded in 1989 to
strengthen the educational opportunities available for
current and future public and nonprofit professionals. The
program supplies a focus for MBA students looking to aug-
ment their core business curriculum with specialized courses
involving public and nonprofit management issues. The
program also offers exposure to business students who will
be involved with public and nonprofit organizations in less
direct ways, including municipal finance and public and
nonprofit consulting.
Program on Non-Profit Organizations at Yale University
Established in 1978, the Program on Non-Profit Organiza-
tions at Yale University supports research on issues
relevant to leading nonprofit organizations and under-
standing the contexts in which they function, including
basic theoretical, empirical, historical, and comparative
scholarship on civil society, philanthropy, and
Rockefeller Archive Center
The Rockefeller Archive Center was established in 1974 to
assemble, process, and make available for scholarly
research the papers of the Rockefeller family and the
records of various philanthropic and educational institu-
tions founded by the Rockefeller family. The Center has
recently begun to collect non-Rockefeller philanthropic
records, including the archives of the Commonwealth Fund,
the Culpeper Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, the
John and Mary Markle Foundation, and the Social Science
Research Council.
Social Welfare Research Institute at Boston College
Founded in 1970, the Social Welfare Research Institute is
a multidisciplinary research center that specializes in
the study of spirituality, wealth, philanthropy, and other
aspects of cultural life.
Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public Service
The Tufts University College of Citizenship and Public
Service was established to educate and produce committed
public citizens and leaders who will take an active role in
addressing community challenges throughout their lifetimes,
regardless of their profession. The goals of the program
are to give students the knowledge and capacities to be
active citizens and community members, to contribute
actively to improving conditions in our communities, and
to develop and share knowledge about citizenship and public
USC Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy
The mission of the University of Southern California?’s
Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy is to promote
more effective philanthropy and strengthen the nonprofit
sector through research that informs public policy. The
Los Angeles-based Center conducts research on philanthropy,
volunteerism, and the role of the nonprofit sector in the
governance and economics of America's communities, using
California and the West as a laboratory, and convenes and
encourages communication among the philanthropic, nonprofit
and policy communities.
(6) Philanthropy News Resources
A collection of Web sites and e-mail forums powered by a
volunteer community of nonprofit-sector professionals that
covers a broad range of topics of interest to nonprofit
professionals and practititoners.
Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle of Philanthropy provides news and informa-
tion for fundraisers, grantmakers, nonprofit managers, and
others in the charitable sector. Subscribers to the print
edition can access all areas of the Web site, including
the complete contents of the most recent issue, an archive
of articles from the past two years, and a database of
grants listings.
Corporate Responsibility Newswire
A newswire service that reports on corporate social respon-
sibility issues related to business ethics, the environment,
human rights, charitable donations, community development,
and the workplace.
HandsNet WebClipper
HandsNet, an online membership community of public interest
and human services organizations, utilizes its editorial
expertise and technology to provide the WebClipper service,
which organizes the best human services content on the Web
and makes it more accessible to professionals in the field.
Subscribers to the fee-based service specify which issues
interest them most and receive e-mail updates about related
news, research, funding notices, legislative and policy
analyses, and model programs.
Internet Nonprofit Center
A project of the Seattle-based Evergreen State Society,
the Internet Nonprofit Center provides information for and
about U.S. nonprofits. The Web site offers a Nonprofit FAQ,
with information on a wide range of nonprofit topics and a
library that offers longer essays and analysis of the sector.
Internet Prospector
Internet Prospector is a service for nonprofit fundraisers
seeking new funding sources. The volunteers who produce the
site "mine" the Web for prospect research nuggets and pro-
vide a monthly online newsletter with links to and analysis
of recently published articles, Web sites of interest, and
tips for prospect research.
Milano Nonprofit Management Knowledge Hub
The Nonprofit Management program of the New School?’s
Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban
Policy created the Knowledge Hub to help nonprofit managers,
leaders, students, researchers, and others find specific
nonprofit management information quickly. The Web site
includes archives stocked with reports, studies, and essays;
reviews of Web resources; a listing of events related to
nonprofit management; and news about the sector.
Nonprofit Online News
Nonprofit Online News, a service of the Gilbert Center,
provides briefly annotated links to news, information, and
opinion pieces of interest to the nonprofit community.
Nonprofit Times
A biweekly print publication that covers nonprofit manage-
ment issues. Selected articles and features are available
online from current and archived past issues of the
publication, and both the print edition and the Web site
also offer a classified section for jobseekers.
Nonprofit Xpress
An online source of news and information for people who
support and work in the philanthropic sector. Edited by
Todd Cohen, Nonprofit Xpress focuses on fundraising,
giving and volunteering, and nonprofit management, both
domestically (with a special emphasis on North Carolina)
and abroad.
Philanthropy News Digest
A free service of the Foundation Center, Philanthropy News
Digest provides abstracts of news, surveys and reports,
and other items related to the changing world of philan-
thropy. Other Digest features available online include the
RFP Bulletin; a searchable Job Corner; the NPO Spotlight;
book and Web site reviews; a conference calendar; and
Connections, a frequently updated guide to the Web sites,
publications, and other resources of interest to the sector.
Philanthropy News Network Online
Another good source of nonprofit news and information. Its
weekly e-mail newsletter provides a short descriptions and
links to stories carried in full on the PNN site.
(7) Professional Associations
Alliance for Nonprofit Management
Members of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management include
management support organizations, individual professionals,
and a range of national/regional, umbrella, research and
academic, publishing and philanthropic organizations that
provide training and consulting to nonprofits. The NMA Web
site contains a new "Alliance Resource Center," with links
to Web sites, books, videos, and other resources relating
to nonprofit management and governance.
American Association of Grant Professionals
The American Association of Grant Professionals enhances
the role of grant developers who work for public or private
organizations by maintaining a code of ethics and pro-
moting the public image of professional grant developers.
The Association also works to enhance grant developers'
relationships with funders and employers and advance
educational opportunities for its members.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
The Association of Fundraising Professionals consists of
25,000 individual members in 159 chapters throughout the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico working to advance philanthropy
through education, training, mentoring, research,
credentialing, and advocacy.
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement
The Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement
(APRA) fosters professional development, career growth, and
standards that enhance the expertise of its members. APRA?’s
mission is to promote professional growth and advancement;
to advocate the highest standards of performance and ethical
behavior, and to facilitate interaction among research,
development, and information professionals, and their
representative organizations.
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and
Voluntary Action
The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations
and Voluntary Action )ARNOVA) is an international, inter-
disciplinary network of scholars and nonprofit leaders
working to foster the creation, application, and dis-
semination of research on voluntary action, nonprofit
organizations, philanthropy, and civil society.
National Committee on Planned Giving
The National Committee on Planned Giving was established
in 1988 as a federation of planned giving councils to
facilitate, coordinate, and encourage the education and
training of the planned giving community, and to facilitate
effective communication among the many different profes-
sionals in the community. The Committee?’s Web site offers
information regarding education and training programs,
planned giving conferences, and subscription information
for ordering "The Journal of Gift Planning."
(8) Regional Associations of Grantmakers
Associated Grantmakers of Massachusetts
Associated Grantmakers of Massachusetts is a state-
wide association whose mission is to "support and advance
effective and responsible philanthropy throughout the
Commonwealth." AGM's Web site offers detailed descriptions
of the services it provides to grantmakers and nonprofit
organizations, information on events of interest to grant-
seekers and grantmakers, a catalog of AGM publications and
videos, and extensive links to other nonprofit and
philanthropy resources.
Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
Established in 1983, the Association of Baltimore Area
Grantmakers is a membership organization of grantmakers
with the goal of strengthening and promoting organized
private philanthropy in the Greater Baltimore region.
Membership is open to any private, community, operating,
corporate foundation, or corporate giving program.
Conference of Southwest Foundations
Established in 1949, the Conference of Southwest Foundations
was originally organized so that Texas grantmakers could
share information and their experiences in order to learn
from one another. Today, the Dallas-based CSF holds two
yearly meetings and presents several educational programs
throughout the year for its 240 member foundations from
Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
Founded in 1949, the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
works to promote and support philanthropy in the region.
The Council?’s more than 100 members include family, inde-
pendent, and community foundations; corporate foundations
and giving programs; and federated funds.
Council of Michigan Foundations
The Council of Michigan Foundations, a membership associ-
ation of more than 495 foundations and grantmaking
corporations, was established in 1975 to enhance and
improve philanthropy in Michigan. The Council?’s Web site
provides links to members Web sites and special materials
developed by and for community foundations.
Council of New Jersey Grantmakers
The Council of New Jersey Grantmakers --a membership asso-
ciation of independent foundations, community foundations,
corporate foundations, corporate giving programs, and
federated funds -- provides education, resources, and a
forum for collaboration among grantmakers and contributions
managers throughout the State of New Jersey.
Delaware Valley Grantmakers
Delaware Valley Grantmakers, a membership association
serving the greater Philadelphia area and neighboring
regions, promotes and enhances philanthropy by providing
its members with opportunities for peer networking,
professional development, technical assistance, and infor-
mation sharing.
Donors Forum of Chicago
The Donors Forum of Chicago, an association of Chicago-area
grantmakers, promotes effective and responsive philanthropy
through education programs, workshops, publications, and
research. The Forum provides resources for grantmakers,
nonprofit organizations, the media, researchers, and anyone
seeking information on the region?’s nonprofit and philan-
thropic sector.
Donors Forum of South Florida
The Donors Forum, an association of some 100 South Florida
foundations, corporate giving programs, private foundations,
and professional advisors, promotes effective philanthropy
in the region by providing professional seminars, forums,
networking opportunities, and technical support.
Donors Forum of Wisconsin
The Donors Forum of Wisconsin, a membership association of
independent and family foundations, community foundations,
corporate foundations, and corporate giving programs, works
to improve the quality and enhance the understanding of
philanthropy in Wisconsin by providing continuing education
and professional support to its members and by facilitating
information exchange between grantmakers and the larger
nonprofit community.
Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, a member-
ship association of twenty-eight RAGS from around the
country, assists RAGS in providing local leadership to
grantmakers on the issues of public policy, promoting the
growth of new philanthropy, technology, and measuring
effectiveness and impact.
Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania
Established in 1985, Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania
is an association of grantmaking foundations, corporations,
and charitable trusts whose mission is to improve the
effectiveness of its members to meet the needs of the people,
organizations, and communities of Western Pennsylvania.
Indiana Grantmakers Alliance
The Indiana Donors Alliance, a membership association
serving Indiana's grantmaking community, works to promote
regional philanthropy by providing information and education,
facilitating communication and collaboration, and encouraging
new opportunities for giving and volunteering.
Maine Philanthropy Center
The Maine Philanthropy Center, a membership organization
serving Maine funders, nonprofits, and professionals, works
to increase interest in philanthropy throughout the state
by providing a center of information about philanthropy;
facilitating interaction among private and public grantmakers,
nonprofit organizations, and the community; educating grant-
makers, nonprofit organizations, public policy makers, and
the general public about philanthropy and philanthropic
opportunities; and encouraging informed and effective
funding strategies.
Metropolitan Association for Philanthropy
Founded in 1970, the Metropolitan Association for Philan-
thropy is a membership association of St. Louis-area
grantmakers dedicated to strengthening the philanthropic
community, supporting new and increased philanthropic gifts,
and encouraging partnerships that increase the impact of
philanthropic gifts in the St. Louis area.
Minnesota Council on Foundations
Founded in 1969, the Minnesota Council on Foundations is a
regional membership association of grantmakers, including
private, community, and corporate foundations as well as
corporate giving programs. MCF works to strengthen and
to increase participation in organized philanthropy in the
state through education and professional development,
research, communications, government relations, and
leadership development.
New York Regional Association of Grantmakers
The New York Regional Association of Grantmakers, a
membership organization of private grantmakers in the
New York City tri-state area, works to improve and enhance
the practice of philanthropy and to encourage leadership
for collaborative action. NYRAG's Web site offers infor-
mation about the association?’s Peer Networks program,
legislative outreach and monitoring, and information about
City Connect, an initiative to foster coalition-building
among city government, private funders, and the nonprofit
Northern California Grantmakers
Northern California Grantmakers, an association of foun-
dations, corporate contributions programs, and other private
grantmakers, works to enhance the effectiveness of philan-
thropy and to strengthen the ties between philanthropy and
its many stakeholders in nonprofit organizations, government,
business, media, academia, and the public at large in the
Northern California region. NCG administers a collaborative
funding program, through which interested grantmakers pool
resources to address important community needs. In addition,
NCG publishes "The Guide to California Foundations" in
partnership with the Southern California Association for
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
The Ohio Grantmakers Forum, a membership association of
private and family foundations, community foundations,
corporate foundations, corporate giving programs, health-
focused philanthropies, and other grantmaking public
charities in Ohio, works to make philanthropy in Ohio more
effective through improved communication among grantmakers,
encouraging the growth of philanthropic entities, and
advocating for philanthropic initiatives.
Philanthropy Northwest
Formerly called the Pacific Northwest Grantmakers Forum,
Philanthropy Northwest, a professional association of
grantmakers whose funding extends throughout Alaska, Idaho,
Montana, Oregon, and Washington, sponsors conferences,
professional development workshops, gatherings of grant-
makers, and meetings focused on various societal issues.
Rochester Grantmakers Forum
Founded in 1974, the Rochester Grantmakers Forum is a
professional association of foundations, corporations,
government representatives, philanthropic organizations,
and individuals serving grantmakers in Monroe, Orleans,
Livingston, Wayne, Ontario, and Genesee counties in upstate
New York.
San Diego Grantmakers
San Diego Grantmakers was founded in 1976 as a forum in
which San Diego-area professionals involved in philan-
thropy could address common problems and interests.
Membership is available to organizations and individuals
whose primary purpose is grantmaking and who are currently
making minimum annual contributions of $25,000 to multiple
nonprofit organizations in an "organized manner."
Southeastern Council of Foundations
The Southeastern Council of Foundations is a membership
association of grantmaking foundations and programs that
promotes the field of philanthropy and the creation of new
philanthropic resources to benefit West Virginia, Virginia,
North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
Southern California Association for Philanthropy
A regional membership association of private grantmakers
whose mission is to support and advance effective and
responsible philanthropy in Southern California.
Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers
Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers is a network
of funders who partner with nonprofits and governments to
support effective leadership in the philanthropic and
nonprofit sectors; promotes effective grantmaking through
educational programs, peer networking, and funding collabor-
ation; and works with nonprofit partners to promote new
models and new approaches to meeting community needs.