Hello, it is that time again to select Head Start parents who have a
story to tell at our State Conf. on Friday, January 24th at the closing
As usual, we are hoping that you will get the word out to Head Start
programs in California. We hope to recruit current or past parents
representing diversity in gender and
ethnicity, success stories and humble beginnings. Please submit your
candidates to me by November 15th. It is expected that if your parent
is selected, your agency will pay the travel costs. Last year, the
also wanted several of their family members there for the brunch so you
may have to pay extra for their meals as well.
This is always one of the most popular events at the CHSA conference so
please choose your parents) carefully.
Thank you for your help. Judie Englesby-Smith, Shasta Head
Start, 375 Lake Blvd., Redding, CA 96003, (530) 241-1036, or Fax (530)