There is still time this year to hold President Bush to his earlier
promise of guaranteed funding for abused and neglected children and young
people aging out of foster care. S. 1503, the Promoting Safe and Stable
Families Amendments Act of 2001, sponsored by Senators Rockefeller
(D-WV), DeWine (R-OH) and others, would provide increased guaranteed
funding for services to protect abused and neglected children, promote
adoption and help youths aging out of foster care.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Contact your Senators and urge their strong support
for S. 1503, particularly the guaranteed increases in funding for the
Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program and the voucher program for
education and training for young people aging out of foster care. You can
call your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
If you are unsure who your Senators are, you can find out at
ATTENTION ORGANIZATIONS: It's not too late to add your organization's
name to the sign-on letter to President Bush. Visit