In 2001, Congress passed the President's $1.3 trillion tax cut, which
gives hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest taxpayers while
leaving millions of children behind. The 2001 Children's Defense Fund
Action Council Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard, released today,
documents how U.S. Senators and Representatives used the power of their
offices as they cast votes affecting the lives of America's children.
records vote after vote in which individual members made choices that
favored corporate welfare and the rich over child welfare and the poor.
Which Members of Congress voted to Leave No Child Behind?®? This
question is answered by the Congressional Scorecard. Based on 10
crucial votes for children and co-sponsorship of the Act to Leave No
Child Behind, the CDF Action Council found 10 Senators and 48 House
Members consistently stood up and voted to protect children with scores
of 100 percent; while 8 Senators and 95 House Members failed children
and scored below 10 percent. The report also reveals a wide disparity
the ratings among state congressional delegations based on their
Member's votes, and includes a chart detailing how each state
The 2001 Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard can be accessed online at