Check the CHSA web site for for registration form
Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to update you on our upcoming Active Parents As Partners training in Burbank on October 18 & 19, 2002. Included you will find a registration form for you to share with your staff. CHSA?’s first ever parent training has been designed to educated, empower and call to action all attendees to be advocates for their children and families.
The core-training program is Active Parents As Partners, Getting YOUR Message Out! This four part training is focused on 1) Enrollment, How to Present an Idea So Others Will Listen 2) Planning, Organizing for Results 3) Relationships, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication and 4) Results, Powerful Meeting Skills. Trained individuals, staff and parents who will provide specific techniques, goals and opportunities to practice each of these skills, will present each of these topics. Under the direction of Betsy Hass, MA these resources have been created specifically with our Head Start parents in mind.
Also, we have recruited keynotes to promote an inclusive messages to insure parents will grow and better understand there roll in the lives of there children. Our opening keynote is Ignacio Rojas, Jr. He is an experienced and dynamic speaker, educator and consultant. Ignacio is a genuine and skillful leader. His natural style and colorful background provides listeners with a unique insight for reaching success against many odds. Our lunch guest on Saturday will be Ms. Nancy Agosto, anchor of UNIVISION?’s news program, Good Morning LA. Ms. Agosto is recoginized spokes person on family literacy and parenting. Finally, Mr. DeVone Boggan our closing speaker is dedicated to youth and community building beyond his work with Oakland?’s Mentoring Center. As a coach and trainer, DeVone brings a wonderful sense of community and understanding of the importance of relationships. His call to ?“bring the message home?” will offer participants an opportunity to reflect and engage neighbors, co-workers and family.
I am confident your program?’s parents will benefit greatly from the training we have developed. I look forward to seeing you and your staff in Burbank on the 18th!
Tony Garcia, Assistant Director, Head Start ?– State Preschool
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Chair of CHSA Parent Leadership 2002