* Children?’s Defense Fund Fellowship Opportunity allows college students to learn about children?’s publishing in New York this summer and help promote diversity in the publishing industry. Apply by Feb 14. CDF, more online at California Voices 4 Children, http://shadeaux.vosn.net/~children/ikonboard/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?s=3e35912759e1ffff;act=ST;f=6;t=47
[last updated 2-1-03]
* Computer equipment grants will grant $350 million in Toshiba computer equipment over five years to community organizations, schools, and individuals around the US. Apply to the Beaumont Foundation of America, P.O. Box 209000, Austin, TX 78720; (866) 505-2667; http://www.bmtfoundation.com/grants
[last updated 2-1-03]
* Family Child Care Association Grants Program invites family child care provider groups to apply for grants up to $15,000 for professional and leadership development, as well as developing linkages with other child development professionals. Apply by Mar 3. Center for Health Training, 614 Grand Av, Ste 400, Oakland, CA 94610; contact Malia Ramler, (510) 835-3700; http://www.centerforhealthtraining.org/searchable/pr-09_fcc-application.html
[last updated 2-1-03]
* Replacing Initial Grants: Tips for Out-of-School Programs recommends that afterschool programs tap into community resources and federal and state funds, build broad community support, build a pot of flexible dollars, and expand inkind support. Cost? Finance Project, 1401 New York Av, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 628-4200; online at http://www.financeproject.org/fptips.pdf
[last updated 2-1-03]