Families on the Edge: Homeless Young Parents and Their Welfare Experiences finds that while most homeless young parents are eligible for welfare, many either do not know this or have difficulty getting and keeping benefits. Includes recommendations for change. Center for Law and Social Policy, 1015 15th St, NW, Ste 400, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 906-8000; online at http://www.clasp.org/Pubs/DMS/Documents/1037307545.54/
[last updated 1-13-03]
* Five Year Time Limit on CalWORKs provides information for parents receiving welfare on what happens when they reach the five-year time limit and what they should do. Online at http://www.wclp.org/advocates/welfare/non-county_specific.PDF
[last updated 2-1-03]
* Safety "Net": Online Access to Benefits for Working Families, from the Center for Law and Social Policy, reviews the state websites providing information on cash assistance, subsidized child care, food stamps, low-income health insurance, public housing, and child support. Online at http://www.clasp.org/Pubs/DMS/Documents/1042057979.92/
[last updated 2-1-03]
Timing Out: CalWORKs Recipients Face the State?’s Five-Year Time Limit, from the California Budget Project, finds that, in the counties surveyed, the majority of people reaching the five year time limit on welfare are working, are part of two-parent families, and do not speak English as their primary language. Includes policy recommendations, a list of exemptions to the time limits, and a discussion of how counties are preparing for the time limits. Online at http://www.cbp.org/2002/bb021231timingout.pdf
[last updated 1-13-03]