please read on for info on a child care rally that is happening Monday,
February 17th. attached is a flyer.
Attention childcare advocates: As a continuation of our "Say Yes to
Children" campaign, and our rally held at the Capitol on January 7th,
ACORN Child Care Providers are continuing with the fight to save
childcare funding. On Monday, February 17th (which is the President's
Day holiday, so many people will be off work) we will be kicking off a
rally and press conference at the Sacramento County Jail on 651 I
in downtown Sacramento. Why the county jail? We want to send a message
to the legislature that if we attempt to save money now by cutting
to low-income families for childcare, those children will not be in a
position to receive quality care, may be neglected or on the streets,
and we will surely be paying more for prisons and jails further down
road. Please attend this important event, and spread the word to
others--there is a flyer attached.
Thanks for your support!!
Susan Hopkins
ACORN Child Care Providers
?“Say Yes to Children!?”
We, as a State, Have a Choice:
Either Invest in Children Now or Pay the Price Later
Proposed cuts in state childcare funding jeopardize the future of our children---
the future of our State. Governor Gray Davis has proposed eliminating Stage 3 subsidized childcare, for working parents who have been off of welfare two years or more. There are already an estimated 280,000 California families on waiting lists for subsidized care. This is just a beginning. Far more budget cuts in the area of social services are expected in the coming months. We feel that MORE resources are needed for child care, not LESS!!
It?’s time to unite. It?’s time to act. Our children?’s future is at stake. We will send a message to our legislators that cutting childcare funding now, will result in more money we have to invest in prisons for those neglected youth later!!!!