It is easier to have someone else sing your praises to a potential donor or grantmaker then it is to sing your own. People say good things about your organization and the work you do all the time. But how do you access this information easily when developing a grant request? And even if you do have a selection of great quotes to use, where in the proposal do you add these comments?
Start a "credibility" file (I use a wire basket) and you, your staff, and Board should deposit quotes from letters you receive, phone calls, testimony at public hearings, comments in the press, etc. Anything good that someone says about your organization or one of your employees needs to go in this basket. I even encourage staff and board members to solicit comments when our organization introduces a new program or receives recognition for their work in the media.
But having all of these great comments does little good unless you use them!
These quotes can be used to document your credibility with new funders. You can use quotes on the title page of your grant request, or as part of a summary paragraph.
I also like to use quotes in the organizational history/ background section of the grant request, or when talking about a specific program or even a specific employee.
For example, when referring to a project coordinator I may say:
"Mary Smith, Director of Advocacy and Outreach, will be overseeing the new program. Ms. Smith has recently been recognized as 'one of California's leading voices for women's rights' according to the Concordia Valley News." - November 2001
You will also be able to use quotes for developing your annual report and other public relations materials. And don't forget, posting good quotes on your website really helps with online fundraising efforts!