Saddlebrook Farms Condos

No Pit Bull Ordinance

Posted in: Wyandotte

I have pitbulls and I speak for them they just like humans are not born aggresive it is people who make there dogs the way that they are. You can walk into my home and my dogs will lick you to death and sit on your feet but they wont attack you because of the breed. more people get chewed by chihuahuas then they do from pitbulls. People should always be on the safe side for any dog they dont know because there was a boxer who killed a baby why are people not talking about them. I felt like you before I got my first pit and I had my babies by him and my god daughter and my dog let them hit him crawl all over him and all he does is licks so for people to down the breed is true ignorance. Please dont put your imput if you do not know what your talking about so it will never happen, they will not get banned for good. It is like saying you dont like someone because of the color of their skin. They did not ask to be brought into a world with ignorant people who use them and abuse them. also pitbulls have jobs as well as other dogs!!!!!

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  • ritt123
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Yeah sure. Why dont we get rid of all black people because, "They are just bad people", wait a minute lets do the whites too, now that I think about it lets not forget the hispanics. They have tremendous Jaw strength because the original breeding was developed for Wild Boars. Have you ever owned a Pit Bull???  I am more nervous around a Full-size poodle. OHHH btw more attacks by a poodle than Pit Bulls as well. Pit Bulls if properly trained are some of the absolute MOST loyal and actually down right sweetest dogs I have EVER had the pleasure to be none. I will agree on this, IF you are not going to properly train one THEN DON'T GET ONE. They are truly a very powerful animal, but as with ANY large dog breed (OR child for that matter) If you are not willing to invest the time to do it right, then please don't get (or in the case of a child, have), one. 

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  • ritt123
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I wanted to clarify one thing really quick, I love all races and believe The Good Lord chose where, when and to whom we should be born. I am white, my wife Hispanic, and have many black (African-American, if you prefer) friends, that are some of my most trusted firends. 

Unfortunately the old attage is true.  I speak from extreme experience.  I have been bitten by a small dog and a golden retriever.  A Pit Bull actually got me over my fear of dogs.  They were not bread for fighting.  The information we seek is the information we find.  If you seek the history, not 'the history of fighting', you will find that Pit Bulls were first bred in England as Nanny/Herding dogs.  It is the criminals who found out their potential and used it against them.  They were cruel to these usually mild mannered animals to FORCE them to defend themselves.  It was animal cruelty and abuse.  Watch one episode of Pit Bulls and Parole's.  Educated individuals take in all pertinent information before making such extreme decisions. There are several other breeds capable of the same things.  Ban them as monsters as well?  Or just ban prejudice people as monsters in general because no doubt your prejudice goes beyond canine.  Come on, man.   These are remarkable creatures in general.  Not just pit bulls, but dogs in general.  And cats, and all other pets.  For those who do not abuse them.

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