The following information was sent to the Civic Association today. These commitments were made as a result of a meeting hosted by the attorneys for Dominion Homes. They had restricted attendance to only homeowners in Robin Estates that directly abut the Sladeco property. In addition to the following they have indicated that they plan to build 261 single family units which equals 3.74 units per acre. Please contact the civic association with any comments or questions.
Dear Ron:
I met with my client Dominion Homes to discuss the concerns you and your neighbors have about the Sladeco rezoning. Dominion can make the following commitments:
1. Require ranch homes to be at least 1,200 square feet and two-story homes to be at least 1,400 square feet along the affected west property line;
2. Prohibit fencing along the affected west property line;
3. Install a 3-foot high mound along the affected west property line (with a note that such mound must be adjusted if it negatively affects storm water drainage for the property);
4. Add pine trees to screen the Conrad lot;
5. Make the homeowner's association responsible for maintaining the west property line landscape buffer;
6. Prohibit construction traffic through Unroe Avenue; and
7. Have an engineer representing Dominion Homes meet with interested neighbors at 6:30 on Thursday at the Development Commission meeting to discuss storm water drainage issues.
I believe Dominion's commitments satisfy all of the requests made last week except a commitment to at least 70-foot wide lots along the affected west property line. I discussed this option with Dominion, and 70-foot wide lots are not feasible for this development; however, Dominion has committed to requiring lots along the affected west property line to be at least 60 feet wide.
I appreciated being able to meet with you and other affected neighbors and believe that the additional commitments Dominion has made will make the development more compatible with your neighborhood. We will make these additional commitments part of the text and landscape plan when we present our application on Thursday night before the Development Commission. Any cooperation you can offer in confirming these commitments before the Commission would be greatly appreciated.
Please call me if you have any questions or need more information.
Donald T. Plank
Shuler, Plank & Brahm
A Legal Professional Association
145 East Rich Street
Columbus, OH 43215-5240
Telephone: (614) 228-4546
Facsimile: (614) 228-1472
Wanda Boyd
Shuler, Plank & Brahm
145 East Rich Street
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 228-4546