Sannon Glen II Neighbors

Problem Renters

Posted in: Lind-Bohanon
Recently a new renter moved in a few houses down. Most of our people on our block are peaceful and polite. As a homeowner, I don't care much for renters, only because the ones that I've seen in my area aren't concerned with the neighborhood. These renters are up and on the street at all hours, yelling and screaming profanities. They tell their kids to play in the street, and several times have nearly been hit by a car. I tried talking to the woman, and she cursed me out. I just want peace restored to my block. Several days ago three adults in the home were hauled away in police cars. I have no idea what to do to get them to stop screaming and yelling, or endangering the kids. Any one have any ideas?

By Concerned
bad neighbors

The first action is to find ANY violation regarding the property and call 311. When you call 311 ask them to check on the number of people renting. Sometimes there will be more than is legally allowed.
Then, start calling 911 for every minor infraction you can find. Loud cars, 3-4 people hanging around outside with loud cars, kids playing in the street without parental supervision, etc. You have to become
a real irritant to them. When you call 911 sound slightly afaid. Indicate that there are SO many MEN hanging around you are afraid to ask them to turn down the noise. Indicate that you are afraid to ask the parents to watch the children, etc. If you keep this up for a while, the situation will improve or the people will move. Then go to Hennepin Co. website and do a property search. Property Information Search This will give you the name and address of the owner of the property. Start letting the owner know EVERY time you are disturbed.
Good Luck, be persistent!

Considering everything that is going on in the area, any chance you have to call 311 and report the problems on the block, you should take it.

I am also a getting tired of the constant noise, kids screaming, people in the middle of the street.  It just isn't safe for any of us. 

Call 311, report ALL the issues!

You can also look up the name of the bldg owner on the Hennipin county web site, if it keeps getting worse report it to the owners as well.

I have the same problem only there is two renters on my block who are rude and inconsiderate, they have no respect for the property because they are not the owners.

The owner of the house next door to me will rent to anyone.. I found a listing on craigslist for the house and it stated if you have bad credit or a criminal history its okay you just have to pay first/last and damage.. no wonder i have had prostitutes and drug dealers livingnext door.. I had to call 911 just the other day cause the male was beating up hjis girlfriend in the driveway.. ridiculous.this used to be such a good neighborhood.. I lved it as a kid growing up here, noparents just let their kids do anything.. i have almost hit a few kids playing in the street on the corner of marshall and 28th with their mother sitting right there on the steps laughing.. poor parenting for sure..


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