Schnitzelburg Area Council - LINC

879 (?) Burnett

Posted in: Schnitzelburg Area Council - LINC

Does anyone know the status of the yellow mansard roof home at what I think is 879 Burnett ? (I don't know the address off hand)  It is in a sad state of disrepair and is well on its way to failure as the roof is peeling back now.  It would be a shame to see it torn down...


Ooops - Can't go back and edit.  Google Map:,-85.741597&sspn=0.012542,0.027874&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=878+E+Burnett+Ave,+Louisville%2FJefferson+County,+Jefferson,+Kentucky+40217&ll=38.224342,-85.741607&spn=0.006237,0.013937&z=17&layer=c&cbll=38.224391,-85.741688&panoid=XGiNoVZ4yA2ckHXGG3qLmA&cbp=12,90.05,,0,0.08

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I think the correct address is 819 E. Burnett.  The SACC has checked into this house and others that are in terrible disrepair to see if something can be done.  But, we have found it to be a long drawn out process and sometimes a deadend, if the property owners cannot be found.  We suggest that any and all neighbors call Metro 311 and report the problem with the house.  When the 311 calls stack up, then hopefully some action can be taken.  And, I would suggest also that you could help the neighborhood by calling 311 and registering a complaint about the burned out building at the corner of Mulberry and Shelby.  Something needs to be done about that building also.  

It is 819.  Sorry about the incorrect address.  I'll definately get on MetroCall about it.  Thanks Cool

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