Secret Cove Civic Association




















Prepared and approved by the Board of Directors

April 17, 2012




One of the benefits of Secret Cove Civic Association Membership is the recreational use of Secret Cove facilities which include the pavilion, common grounds, ball field and surrounding areas. These facilities not only promote the health, safety, and welfare of the resident members of the Association, but also contribute to the recreational amenities within the subdivision.


While the facilities provide recreational opportunities, they also present a legal liability because of the risks of injury. The Association Rules and Regulations are designed to protect everyone as much as possible from an unfortunate accident.  They are also designed to prevent trespassing and unauthorized use of the lake, common grounds and pavilion areas by non-association members and non-residents. 


The misuse of the facilities requires the Association to exert additional attention and causes additional expenditures of Association funds for repairs beyond the general maintenance requirements. 



The Articles of Incorporation of the Secret Cove Civic Association, Incorporated establish the specific purposes for which the association was formed. These purposes are to provide for maintenance and preservation of the common areas; to establish, maintain and operate a non-profit social and recreational club and recreational facilities for the benefit of association members; and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the subdivision. 


The grounds and the facilities which include the lake, the North and South docks, the pavilion, the play ground, the swimming pool, the tennis courts, the ball field, and the undeveloped land north of the pool are owned and maintained by the Secret Cove Civic Association, Incorporated. The Board of Directors is charged with maintaining the grounds and facilities and their operation in accordance with the Association’s by-laws. 


The Board is charged with adopting and publishing the rules and regulations governing the use of grounds and facilities; the personal conduct of the association members, and their guests; and determining and publishing the penalties for the infraction of these rules and regulations which are made available to all residents of Secret Cove. 


The Board of Directors has established a process for administering the penalties for infractions of these rules and regulations. When a serious violation of these Rules and Regulations has been observed it should be reported to the Committee Chair or to the Board of Directors for action. Upon receipt of a complaint, the President or alternate shall have the Association Secretary send written notification to the Association Member that an alleged violation of the rules has occurred and the specifics of the allegation. The member will also be notified that this matter will be acted on at the next Board Meeting or Special Meeting. The Member will be offered an opportunity to attend the Board meeting to rebut or to explain the circumstances surrounding the alleged violation. After reviewing the complaint, rebuttal, and explanation the Board may by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Board decide to take no action or to suspend the privileges of the Association member for any time up to the balance of the current Association Year.


The Board of Directors has adopted and published these rules and regulations to protect the assets of the SCCA, Inc. and to prohibit any use of the grounds and facilities for any purpose that would detract from their appearance or reduce their value. These rules and regulations are intended to establish the expected personal conduct of the Secret Cove Civic Association Members, and their guests; to expedite maximum utilization of the facilities; and to establish reasonable criteria for the protection of the facilities against any use that would detract from its appearance or reduce its value. These regulations have been made and shall be enforced for the safety, convenience, and enjoyment of all Association Members. 


Cooperation of all Members is expected in assisting with enforcement of these Regulations. All Members should abide by the specific rules. Parents should make their children aware of these rules. The Board has determined that willful violation of these rules and regulations may result in suspension of membership privileges. 





 The pavilion is available for use by all Secret Cove Association Members and their guests during the posted hours of operation. The pavilion, the pool, the common grounds, tennis courts and the bathhouse are posted with warning signs “For Members Use Only”. Anyone who is not a member or guest of a member is trespassing and is subject to arrest if found on the property. 


Any association member may question persons using the pavilion relative to their residency in Secret Cove and their membership in the association. 


For safety and security reasons, direct access to Secret Cove Civic Association’s Common Areas, Park and Pavilion is NOT allowed from residences adjacent to the City of Jacksonville drainage route.  This type of access is strictly forbidden.  




All Secret Cove Civic Association membership dues must be paid in full, prior to using the pavilion.


The pavilion area is a family friendly venue and as such it is expected that the personal conduct of association members and their guests will be well mannered. NO PROFANITY will be allowed.  


Pets are not allowed within the pavilion or the bathhouse.


The Association will not be responsible for any money or personal property losses sustained by members or their guests. 


No conduct affecting the safety of others is permitted within the pavilion. 


Cups, wrappers, and refuse must be placed in trash containers provided. Each resident or guest is responsible for their own cleanup. 




The pavilion is to be used only by Secret Cove Civic Association (SCCA) Members, their families and their guests. Secret Cove residents who are not SCCA Members are not eligible to use the pavilion as guests of other SCCA members. The sponsoring SCCA Member is responsible for obtaining approval to use the facility and for the behavior of all of his/her guests. 


The Association has limited the number of guests, who may accompany an Association Membership to five (5). Each guest or group of guests must be accompanied by the member host while they use the pavilion. If there are more than five guests accompanying the member, the event will be considered a party and the rules pertaining to a party will apply. Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 


Children under the age of twelve (12) must be under the supervision of a baby sitter responsible for the care of the children or other responsible adult over the age of 18 years old. Children ignoring this rule will be requested to leave the area.




The Facilities Reservation, Use and General Liability Release Form (Appendix A) is used to request a reservation of the Pavilion and releases the SCCA of liability during use of the facility. The Association Member requesting the reservation must sign the form. The completed form should be submitted to the Reservations Coordinator or designated representative, of the Facilities Usage Committee at least two (2) weeks prior to the usage date. Each Reservation Request Form will be considered on an individual basis.


Upon approval, the Facilities Use Committee will keep the Facilities Reservation, Use and General Liability Release Form on file. A coded Access Card will also be made available to enter the restroom facilities of the bathhouse. The requesting Association Membership is responsible for keeping the bathhouse clean, the doors closed and to return the card to the Reservation Coordinator or designated representative.


The requesting Member is responsible for the condition and cleanliness of the facilities at the end of the function. All trash cans must be emptied, new trash bags placed into cans and trash removed from the grounds before leaving. 


See “Pavilion Party Rules” for additional restrictions that apply to reservations.





There can be only one pavilion party scheduled per day with a maximum of fifty (50) people. Reservations cannot be scheduled during the following holidays: the Saturday morning before Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. 


All pavilion parties must end by the normal closing hour of the pavilion and common grounds. Currently, the hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 


The sponsoring SCCA member must be present during the entire time of their use of the pavilion. 


SCCA members and guests using the pavilion will not interfere with other SCCA members and guests who have the pavilion and tables reserved. 


Reservations on file take first priority for the pavilion. All disputes are to be handled through the Facilities Usage Committee. 


Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 








All Secret Cove Civic Association members are eligible to join the Swim Club by purchasing an annual Swim Club Membership. The annual purchase price listed in the dues statement includes use of the bathhouse facility and the large community pool. The Swim Club Memberships go on sale each April when the dues statement is mailed and are good until the pool closes after cool weather arrives in mid to late October. 


Association members who purchase membership in both the Swim and Tennis Clubs receive an incentive discount established by the Board. 


SCCA members not interested in purchasing a Swim Club Membership for the entire season may purchase a Limited Time Swim Club Membership on a weekly basis instead, currently at a cost of $25.00, payable to Secret Cove Civic Association. New members may purchase a Swim Club membership on a prorated basis.


Upon annual renewal of a Swim Club Membership or purchase a Limited Time Membership, the Treasurer will notify the Chair of the Pool Committee that the fees for the Swim Club have been paid. The Chair of the Pool Committee will verify that a liability release is on file before the Access Card can be activated for a current year or week as appropriate. Association members who join the Swim Club for the first time or who want to purchase a Limited Time Membership can also pick up the Access Card from the Chair of the Pool Committee.


The Secret Cove Civic Association maintains a “SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK” policy at all times. THERE IS NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY AT THE POOL. 




The pool enclosure will remain locked except for the posted hours of operation. The pool, the common grounds, the pavilion, tennis courts and the bathhouse are posted with warning signs “For Members Use Only”. Anyone who is not an association member or guest of an association member is trespassing and is subject to arrest if found on the property. 


Any association member may question persons in the pool relative to their residency in Secret Cove, their membership in the association, and the pool. 




All Secret Cove Civic Association membership dues and Swim Club Membership fee must be paid in full, prior to using the pool.


A Swim Club Access Card is issued to each new Swim Club Member and remains with that member from year-to-year. This card can be returned to the Chair of the Pool Committee if the member no longer wants to belong to the Swim Club or moves from Secret Cove. There is a $10.00 charge for Access Cards not returned, and for replacement of lost Access Cards. 


The pool may be used only during authorized hours, which are currently 9:00 a.m. to dusk daily. 


The pool area is a family friendly venue and as such it is expected that the personal conduct of the association members and their guests will be well mannered. NO PROFANITY will be allowed. 


Pets are not allowed within the pool area or the bathhouse.


AGE RESTRICTIONS: a responsible adult over the age of 18 years old must accompany children under age twelve (12) to the pool enclosure. Children ignoring this rule will be requested to leave. 


The Association will not be responsible for any money or personal property losses sustained by members or their guests. 


Proper swimsuits and swim attire must be worn by swimmers. No cutoff jeans or pants are allowed, to protect our drains. Only SWIM DIAPERS are allowed on babies. 


Swimmers must shower prior to entering the pool.


Anyone with a fever, a cold, running sores, open cuts, open skin infections, wearing bandages, appearing to have an infectious disease, having excessive sunburn, or having on the body any plaster, pad, adhesive tape or bandage of any description shall not be permitted in the water. 


No RUNNING, No PUSHING, No SPLASHING, No DUNKING, No ROUGH PLAY, No HORSEPLAY or conduct affecting the safety of others are permitted within the pool enclosure and/or bathhouse. 


Styrofoam floats, cups and similar objects are not allowed in the pool, so as to prevent damage to the pool filters. 


Cups, wrappers, and refuse must be placed in trash containers provided. Each resident or guest is responsible for their own cleanup. 


No glass of any kind is permitted within the pool area or on the pool deck. 


No Alcoholic beverages will be allowed within the pool area.


No gum, smokeless tobacco products or smoking will be permitted in the pool area. 


Chaise lounges and chairs must not be placed in the wading or swimming pools. 


No Diving.


No playing on or hanging on the rope.


The bathhouse doors MUST NOT BE PROPPED OPEN. This rule is enforced for safety and convenience as well as insurance requirements for liability coverage. Florida State Law limits the number of people who can be in the pool to Thirty-nine (39).




The Association has limited the number of guests, who may accompany a Swim Club Membership, to five (5) unless the Member has an approved request to host a party. Members are responsible for their guests at all times. Each guest or party of guests must be accompanied by the membership host while they use the pool. Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 


Association Members who are not Swim Club Members and who have not purchased a Limited Time Swim Club Membership cannot be considered guests. Secret Cove residents who are not Members of the Association are not permitted to swim as guests with Secret Cove Association Swim Club Members.




The Facilities Use and General Liability Release Form (Appendix A) is used to request a reservation of the pool and/or Pavilion. The completed Reservation Request Form and a signed Swimming Pool Liability Release Form (Appendix B) should be submitted to the Reservations Coordinator or designated representative, of the Facilities Usage Committee at least two (2) weeks prior to the usage date. Each Reservation Request Form will be considered on an individual basis. The requesting Association Membership is responsible for keeping the bathhouse clean, the doors closed and to return the card to the Reservation Coordinator or designated representative.


A certified lifeguard must be provided for all pool parties at the requesting party's expense. The lifeguard’s name and a copy of the lifeguard’s certification form must accompany the Reservations Request Form. A second certified lifeguard must be provided if the pool party is fifteen (15) people to the maximum of twenty (20) people.


The requesting Swim Club Member is responsible for the condition and cleanliness of the facilities at the end of the function. All trash cans must be emptied, new trash bags placed into cans and trash removed from the grounds before leaving. 


There can be only one pool party scheduled per day, with a maximum of twenty (20) people since the pool is not closed to Swim Club Members for a pool party and the Florida State Law limits the number of people who can be in the pool to Thirty-nine (39). Reservations cannot be scheduled during the following holidays: the Saturday morning before Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. 


All pool/pavilion parties must end by the normal closing hour of the pool and common grounds. Currently, the common ground hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The Pool Hours are 9:00 a.m. to Dusk (paragraph 64E-9.006(2) (c), F.A.C.). Parties may continue at the pavilion after the pool closes.


One adult must be present in the pool area for every five (5) children under the age of twelve (12) to meet the requirements of our insurance carrier. 


The Secret Cove Swim Club Member booking the party must be hosting the party, and must be present for the duration of the pool party. 


Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 









All Secret Cove Civic Association Members are eligible to join the Tennis Club by purchasing an annual Tennis Club Membership. The annual purchase price listed in the dues statement includes use of the bathrooms and showers in the bathhouse. The Tennis Club Memberships go on sale each April and are good until the following April. 


Association Members who purchase both the Swim and Tennis Club Membership receive an incentive discount established by the Board.


New SCCA members may purchase a Tennis Club membership on a prorated basis. SCCA members not interested in purchasing a Tennis Club Membership for the entire season may purchase a Limited Time Tennis Club Membership on a weekly basis. The current cost is $15.00, payable to Secret Cove Civic Association.


Upon annual renewal of a Tennis Club Membership or purchase a Limited Time Membership, the Treasurer will notify the Chair of the Tennis Committee that the fees for the Tennis Club have been paid. Contact the Committee Chair to exchange the previous year’s Key for a current Key and to activate the Bathhouse Access Card for the current year or week as appropriate. Association members who join the Tennis Club for the first time or who want to purchase a Limited Time Membership can pick up the Key and Bathhouse Access Card from the Chair of the Tennis Committee.




The Tennis court enclosure will remain locked except for the posted hours of operation. The tennis court, the pool, the common grounds, the pavilion and the bathhouse are posted with warning signs “For Members Use Only”. Anyone who is not a member or guest of a member is trespassing and is subject to arrest if found on the property. 


Any association member may question persons using the tennis court relative to their residency in Secret Cove, their membership in the association, and their membership in the tennis club. 




All Secret Cove Civic Association membership dues and Tennis Club Membership fee must be paid in full, prior to using the tennis courts. 


Prior Tennis Club Members must exchange the previous year’s Tennis Club Key for the current year’s Key. A Bath House Access Card is also issued to each new Tennis Club Member and remains with that member from year-to-year. This access card can be returned to the Chair of the Tennis Committee if the member no longer wants to belong to the Tennis Club or moves from Secret Cove. There is currently a $5.00 charge for the replacement of a lost Key. There is currently a $10.00 charge for Access Cards not returned, and for replacement of lost Access Cards. 


The tennis courts may be open for use only during authorized hours which are currently 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 


Use proper tennis etiquette if the courts are in use and someone is waiting. Proper wait time is one (1) hour from the time of your arrival.


The tennis court is a family friendly venue and as such it is expected that the personal conduct of the association members and their guests will be well mannered. NO PROFANITY is allowed. 


Pets are not allowed within the tennis courts, the bathhouse or the area between the bathhouse and tennis courts.


A responsible adult over the age of 18 years old must accompany Children under age of twelve (12) while on the tennis court. Children ignoring this rule will be requested to leave the tennis court and bathhouse area 


The Association will not be responsible for any money or personal property losses sustained by members or their guests. 


Only tennis shoes are to be worn on the tennis courts. No black sole shoes.


No bikes, skateboards, roller skates, etc., are allowed on the tennis courts. No conduct affecting the safety of others is permitted on the tennis courts and/or in the bathhouse. These courts are only to be used for playing tennis.


Members must clean up all trash and tennis can lids. Cups, wrappers, and refuse must be placed in trash containers provided. Each resident or guest is responsible for their own cleanup.


No glass of any kind is permitted on the tennis courts. 


No Alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the tennis courts.


No gum, smokeless tobacco products or smoking will be permitted on the tennis courts. 


No throwing of Frisbees or other similar objects is permitted on the tennis courts. 


Do not sit or hang on the nets.


Members are responsible for locking up the tennis court area when leaving a vacant court. 




The Association has limited the number of guests, who may accompany a Tennis Club Membership to three (3) and the use of only one court. A Tennis Club Member must be present and accompany their non-resident guests while they use the tennis courts. The Tennis Club Member is responsible for their guests at all times. Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors.


Association Members who are not Tennis Club Members and who have not purchased a Limited Time Tennis Club Membership cannot be considered guests. Secret Cove residents who are not Members of the Association are not permitted to play tennis as guests with Secret Cove Association Tennis Club Members.









The Ball Field and Common Grounds are available for use by all Secret Cove Association Members and their guests during the posted hours of operation. The pavilion, the pool, the Common Grounds, tennis courts and the bathhouse are posted with warning signs “For Members Use Only”. Anyone who is not a member or guest of a member is trespassing and is subject to arrest if found on the property.  


Any Association Member may question persons using the Ball Field and Common Grounds relative to their residency in Secret Cove and their membership in the association. 


For safety and security reasons, direct access to Secret Cove Civic Association’s Common Areas, Park and Pavilion is NOT allowed from residences adjacent to the City of Jacksonville drainage route.  This type of access is strictly forbidden.  




All Secret Cove Civic Association membership dues must be paid in full, prior to using the Ball Field or Common Grounds.


The SCCA will not be responsible for any injury sustained by members or their guests.


The Ball Field or Common Grounds area is a family friendly venue and as such it is expected that the personal conduct of the association members and their guests will be well mannered. NO PROFANITY is allowed.


Pets are not allowed within the bathhouse or bathhouse area.


A responsible adult over the age of 18 years old must accompany children under age of ten (10). Children ignoring this rule will be requested to leave the area


The Association will not be responsible for any money or personal property losses sustained by members or their guests. 


No conduct affecting the safety of others is permitted within the Common Grounds. 


Cups, wrappers, and refuse must be placed in the trash containers provided. Each resident or guest is responsible for their own cleanup, including cleaning up after pets. 




The Common Grounds are only for use by Secret Cove Civic Association (SCCA) Members and their guests for activities approved by the Board of Directors. Secret Cove residents who are not SCCA Members are not eligible to use the Common Grounds as guests of other SCCA members. The sponsoring SCCA Member is responsible for obtaining approval to use the facility and for the behavior of all of his/her guests. 


The Association has limited the number of non-family guests, who may accompany an association membership to five (5). Each guest or party of guests must be accompanied by the member host while they use the Common Grounds. Any request for other arrangements must be made through the Secret Cove Civic Association Board of Directors. 




The Facilities Use and General Liability Release Form (Appendix A) is used to request a reservation of the Common Grounds and should be submitted to the Reservations Coordinator or designated representative, of the Facilities Usage Committee at least two (2) weeks prior to the usage date. Each Reservation Request Form will be considered on an individual basis. 


Upon approval, a Bath House Access Card will also be made available to enter the bathhouse for access to restroom facilities. The requesting Association Membership is responsible for keeping the bathhouse clean, the doors closed and to return the card to the Reservation Coordinator or designated representative.


The requesting Association Member is responsible for the condition and cleanliness of the facilities at the end of the function. All trash cans must be emptied, new trash bags placed into cans and trash removed from the grounds before leaving. 


The sponsoring SCCA member must be present during the entire time of their use of the Ball Field or Common Grounds. 


SCCA members and guests using the Common Grounds will not interfere with other SCCA members and guests who have the Common Grounds reserved.


Reservations on file take first priority for the Ball Field or Common Grounds.  All activities must end by the normal closing hour of the pavilion and common grounds. Currently, the hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. All disputes are to be handled through the Facilities Usage Committee. 


Reservations cannot be scheduled during the following holidays: the Saturday morning before Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. 










One of the greatest attractions of the Secret Cove community is our lake. Not only does it contribute to the aesthetic quality of the neighborhood, and thereby increase our overall property values, it also provides recreational opportunities to members of the Secret Cove Civic Association, Inc. The Board provides for the general maintenance of the lake and surrounding areas on an on-going basis. The maintenance requires constant attention and expenditures of association funds. 


At the same time, the lake is a substantial legal liability to the Association. Swimming, boating, fishing, scuba diving, wind-surfing and related activities, in and around the lake, can produce a tremendous risk of injury and drowning. The legal liability is not limited to the problems arising from water sports, such as swimming and boating. Any injury sustained on the lake or dock as a result of the unauthorized use of these areas by non-association members or non-residents of Secret Cove can still pose a significant legal problem. 


The possibility of an accident and the continuing incidents of trespassing by non-association members as well as non-residents have prompted the association, through your Board of Directors, to propose expanded and strengthened policies pertaining to the lake. These policies are designed to protect everyone as much as possible from an unfortunate accident, and to prevent non-association members and non-residents from using this important amenity. 




The Board of Directors for the Secret Cove Civic Association, Inc. adopted the following resolution on July 14, 2001 and reaffirmed on December 13. 2004: 


The lake is owned and maintained by the Secret Cove Civic Association, Inc. and in accordance with the by-laws, residents are prohibited from using the lake, or its resources, for any purpose that would detract from its appearance or reduce its value. This includes pumping water from the lake for irrigation purposes, or any other purpose. In addition, the Secret Cove residents are prohibited from making any changes to the lake or its boundaries without the approval of the Board of Directors. This would include the removal of sand or dumping of any material into the lake. This resolution does not preclude the Secret Cove Civic Association from pumping water from the lake for the purpose of irrigation to the North and South dock areas upon approval by the Board of Directors. 




The lake and dock areas at both ends of the lake are for the exclusive use of Secret Cove Civic Association members and immediate family. However, SCCA members may have non-resident guests accompany them when using these facilities based on the limits below. Non-member residents of SCCA are not permitted to use these facilities and cannot be considered guests. Guests may not simply "have the permission" of an association member to use the facilities. 


Association Memberships are limited to a three (3) watercraft/five non-resident guest maximum in the lake or dock areas.  This rule is waived for SCCA sponsored events.  The membership must be in attendance with their guests at all times and are responsible for the actions of their guests.


The dock areas are posted with warning signs against trespassing. Anyone who is not an association member (current with association dues) or an accompanying non-resident guest of an association member is subject to arrest as a trespasser if found in the lake or dock areas, including non-member residents that live along the lake. Again, due to the tremendous risk of injury and drowning, non-member trespassers are subject to arrest and member violators of the security requirements and rules may have visitation privileges suspended.


Residents are prohibited from building docks, gazebos, piers, piles and other items extending into the lake.


Any association member may question persons in the lake or dock areas relative to their residency in Secret Cove and their membership in the association. 




Swimming in the lake is discouraged. There are no lifeguards or lifesaving equipment to assist in preventing an accident. Association members who choose to swim the lake do so at their own risk and with full knowledge that the association assumes no liability. 


Non-liquid-fuel powered watercraft may be used in the lake. Rowboats, canoes, rafts, sailboards, paddleboats, and other watercraft powered manually or by electric motor are permitted. Association members and their passengers who use allowed watercraft are strongly encouraged to wear Coast Guard-approved life preservers. All association sanctioned special events in the lake, e.g., July 4th raft race, require the use of life preservers. 


Boats and other watercraft may not be left in the dock areas on land or in the water. There are no facilities for in-water storage of association members' equipment. Moreover, boats tied up in the dock areas become nuisances and eyesores. Boats and other equipment left in the water in the dock areas will be removed and donated to Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. 


The lake and dock areas are a family friendly venue and as such it is expected that the personal conduct of the association members and their guests will be well mannered. NO PROFANITY is allowed.


Vehicles may not be driven onto association property for any reason, including boat launching. 


While fishing by association members is permitted in the lake, conservation is encouraged. Fishermen are encouraged to return their catch to the lake as a means of promoting continued enjoyment of this activity by others. 


Scuba diving is strictly prohibited. The risks of an accident are too substantial to allow this activity. 


Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the dock areas and in the lake is strictly prohibited. 


Fishing debris, cups, bottles and other refuse must be placed in the trash containers provided or carried off-site. Each membership is responsible for the clean-up of the area attended by the membership and their guests, including cleaning up after pets.


For cleanliness reasons and due to the confined spacing, pets are not allowed on the docks.









The power to alter, amend or repeal the Rules and Regulations of this Secret Cove Civic Association Corporation is vested in the Board of Directors. Amendments or changes occur by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any Board meeting, provided written notice and proposed revisions have been submitted five (5) business days prior to the meeting.







The Board of Directors of the Secret Cove Civic Association adopted these Rules and Regulations, and more than a majority of the Board approved the adoption of these Rules and Regulations, which were sufficient for their approval. In witness whereof the officers of the Board of Directors of the Secret Cove Civic Association, Inc., have been made, signed and acknowledged this 17th day of April, 2012.



/s/ Ed Churchill


/s/ John Norse










/s/ Paul Hibel


/s/ Barbara Krier


Vice President







Posted by scca on 08/19/2009
Last updated on 01/14/2013
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