SMILE has been notified by the City of Portland Fire Bureau that, in anticipation of severe winter storms, floods, significant earthquakes, or other unexpected disasters of a sort we could not have imagined even a short time ago, the city wants and expects its neighborhoods to be prepared for self-sufficiency for a short period--perhaps on the order of 72 hours--while firefighters and police are overwhelmed with requests for help, and could be slowed down by impassable streets and other damage. The solution, as the city sees it, is “Neighborhood Emergency Teams” of volunteers, to be trained in skills to help their neighbors without getting hurt themselves.
The Portland Fire Bureau is offering “NET” classes free to people who live or work in Portland and furthermore is committed to training and organizing a team in each of the city’s 94 neighborhoods. Over 630 citizens have already completed the training, and teams have been started in 84 Portland neighborhoods, but more volunteers are needed and welcome.
For certification, “NET” team participants must attend 25 hours of basic training, held over eight weeks. For more information, contact the office of Commissioner Jim Francesconi at 503/823-4614.