I am writing to the female jogger that runs on Pleasant Ridge Road past Meadow Mist Circle at approximately 4 AM to 4: 30??!!!!!!!!!!
Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reconsider your jogging time? or try leaving your dog at home??? Change Your Route? There are several OUTDOOR dogs on your jogging route, when you run they all start barking:( :( It would be so much easier for you to change and/or help this situation instead of several dog owners trying to explain to their OUTDOOR dogs NOT TO BARK AT YOU!!
I have posted this previously, but with the change, I guess it was deleted???
Does anyone know this jogger? Could you please ask her to read this?
Is this in violation of the Covenants? Article VIII Section 3.. "NUSIANCE or ANNOYANCE to the NEIGHBORHOOD"?? Can I get any feedback from the HOA Board on this subject?? Would a petition help?? ANY Suggestions from ANYONE?? I'm tired and grouchy from getting woke up at 4AM.. Has anyone noticed this or am I the only one?? ????? I need some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz :)