* Install motion lights outdoors in dark areas.
* Inform neighbors about belongings at your home.
* Keep cars in driveways, not on street.
* Take photographs of valuables and jewelry in case you need to report them stolen.
* Scratch driver's license number on TVs.
* Install an alarm that makes noise when it's set off.
* Be vague when speaking with service people, repairmen or delivery people about your availability to be home. For instance don't tell people you don't know that you work during the daytime or that nobody is home from 9 to 5. It is best to say that you come and go, then work out details for the delivery.
* When people are in your home, don't leave valuables out that would entice them back.
* Keep your shrubs trimmed back and don't leave chairs lying around in a backyard to use to step on to break out a window.
* Keep rocks and bricks out of the yard. They're often used to break out windows.