Sierra Ridge Condo J Assn Inc

August 16 City Commission Meetin

Posted in: SoRoPA - S Royal Palm Acres
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  • aesallee
  • Respected Neighbor
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  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Several of us attended the Commission Meeting last night. I wanted to share some notes therefrom:

1) The annual financial audit of the City has been completed and the City has once again received a Favorable rating.

2) The Royal Palm Dog Park is scheduled to open September 16.

3) Commissioner Boisvenue spent more than 36 hours working on our trouble corner at NW 21st Ave & Oakland Park Blvd., viewing video tapes and reading transcripts of all the past Commission Meetings and spending many hours sitting at the corner to observe the actual activity at the BP/Amoco Station. She has spoken to City, County and State officials and has researched any and all relevant law to gain a better knowledge of all the issues involved.

4) The Neighborhood Traffic Committee (NTC) is working on our traffic issues as related to the cut through at NW 19th Ave and the the problems at the BP/Amoco Station. There is a lot to discuss and the City is being proactive in addressing the problem, ordering a traffic engineering study and working up a petition for us to submit.

The city had determined that the ''affected area'' is from NW 31st CT to NW 34th Ave. (should that be revised to to include only up to NW 33rd St, the area directly affected by the cut through traffic?) 67% of the residents in the ''affected area'' must approve any changes to the traffic flow and any change will be tested on a trial basis before becoming permanent. If we try it and it does not work, it can be revised until we get it right.

It would be a very good idea for us all to meet in the very near future to discuss the suggestions, the options and the effects of the options. I would like to propose that we plan a meeting witihn the next ten days in a location to be determined by the size of the crowd. Maybe we can do a pot-luck, beggars banquet type gathering to make it more convenient. I will work on getting us a comfortable, air-conditioned location.

I will be visiting Chris Gratz, from the NTC on Friday to get a map, a proposed petition and to ask some questions. Let me know if you have anything you want to bring up to him.
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