Sloan's Lake Citizen's Group

Survey - Stadium A-Sticker Zone

Parking Concerns Survey

Dear Resident (Living in the Stadium A-Sticker Zone),

The Sloan's Lake Citizen's Group has had a long-time commitment to identifying and addressing the problems residents living near Mile High Stadium and Federal Blvd. experience. Thanks to the dedication of many over the years, such safe guards have been put in place as A-sticker parking restrictions and the elimination of people using their yards to sell parking spaces. Prior to these regulations, it was often difficult for residents to park near their homes as stadium users arrived. Unfortunately, there are still many issues that need to be addressed.
We need your help to compile a detailed list of community concerns. Your responses will then be presented to the Stadium Advisory Committee. Obviously, all of our problems will not be eliminated. Yet, taking advantage of this critical opportunity will allow us to examine and solve as many issues as possible before the Metropolitan Stadium District takes over the management of the new Stadium.

Please complete the following survey and return it IMMEDIATELY by:

  • Mailing it to: The SLCG, MSN 85,4100 w. Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80204
  • Bringing it to the September 13 SLCG General Meeting (Centura Senior Life Center Auditorium-1601 Lowell Blvd. 7:00 pm)
  • Or by returning it to the following contact person on your block:

    Feel free to add as much information as you want on a separate sheet of paper!

    1. Do you live on a block that has A-sticker restrictions? Yes or No
    2. Have you or any of your neighbors been towed because of not having an A-sticker permit on a vehicle, during pre-season Bronco games or any other stadium event held this summer? Yes or No
    3. Have you had vehicles illegally parked on your block during recent special events (concerts, football games, etc.) held at Mile High Stadium? Yes or No
    4. Do you have sections of your street where stadium users may park legally without an A-sticker permit? Yes or No
      If so, are these spaces filled with vehicles belonging to stadium users? Yes or No
    5. If vehicles were illegally parked on your block, did you call the Police Dispatch Number to have the violators ticketed? Yes or No
      When calling, did the call taker understand what the violation was which you were reporting and respond to your request appropriately? Yes or No, If no, please explain.
    6. After the call was made, were the vehicles:
      ticketed only; ticketed and towed; varied depending on the event.
      (i.e. for example, were cars ticketed and towed for football games and not for concerts.) If so, please explain:
    7. Circle the problems you are experiencing on your block Before (B), During (D) and After (A) (or a combination of the 3) events at Mile High Stadium.
      B D A Illegally parked cars
      B D A Neighbors selling parking spaces on their property , street
      spaces, selling guest passes etc. (Give address where this is occurring)
      B D A Difficulty leaving your home and or returning.
      B D A Trash and litter thrown in neighborhood by stadium users. Disturbed by noise from: Other:
      B D A Stadium Speakers B D A Fireworks
      B D A Airplane B D A Horn Honking B D A Car Music B DA Traffic/Cruisers B D A Lack of response after calling in a violation
    8. Check if you feel that there is a lack of information available to you about what to do to:
      _Obtain an A-sticker? _What to do when you witness violations occurring? Other:

    On a separate sheet of paper, give suggestions on how the City and the neighborhood association can do a better job getting the word out to you and your neighbors on what to do regarding traffic and parking management issues during stadium events.

    Resident input and participation is critical to ensure that your concerns are heard. Let us know how you can help! If you can do any of the following, please give your name, address, phone number and if you have one, your email address.

    • _ Yes, I will distribute this survey to my neighbors.
    • _ Yes, I will pass out A-Sticker Fact Sheets to my new neighbors.
    • _Yes, I will attend Stadium related meetings. _evenings best; _day best
    • _Yes, I will attend the City Council meeting when the stadium plan is presented.
      Phone #

    Posted by lakeside on 11/08/2000
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