I have received a complaint that there are some silt fences still up on properties that are over 2 to 3 years old. If you have a silt fence that has been up since you occupied the house several years ago (or more!)and the land has been stabilized, please feel free to have the silt fences removed.
In fact, I am requesting that you do so!
Additionally, I have received complaints about homeowners or their lawn care services dumping grass clippings on other Association Members' VACANT LOTS!! This is a NO-NO and is not permitted.
In addition to the fact that illegal tresspassing is involved, The piles of grass are UNSIGHTLY and an eyesore to our Subdivision.
So, if you are a guilty party or your lawn care service is, please be advised or advise them to refrain for any further dumping of your clippings on other people's property.
Thank you!!!