Much of what is written about the Socratic method is not at all about the elenchos of Socrates but a perversion, which consists of dogmatically guiding the learner towards the right answer through a series of questions, a technique used especially in the propagation of the faith in law and medicine. If you saw the popular TV series “Paper Chase” in the 70’s you saw this technique in action
Instead of being the expert in front of a class of eager students, Socrates was the student, seeking out the wise and learned and asking them questions. Elenchos is the Greek word for the process of asking questions use by Socrates.
If you'd like to know more about how a Socrates Cafe works, check out the website of the Society for Philosophical Inquiry at
The best way to find out about elenchus is to join us at a meeting. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, drop John Wren a line and I'll email you right back.
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