Community Board 6 Manhattan


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Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
Houseonmoney120 If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments. Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

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I foud this just wanted to share

Everybody knows that there are a lot of "anti aging products", but many of them don't work and they are expensive too.. i looked for a while, and i found a cream that they delivered a free trial, and... more
Started: November 2nd 2014Replies: 0

60/40 HDFC flip tax (resale policy)

We the tenants now shareholders bougth 409 Edgecombe Ave from HPD in May of 1995. The 60/40 flip tax requiredment was dropped by HPD in April of 1995. Why are we still reqired to pay this flip tax? We... more
Started: August 25th 2008Replies: 1

HDFC Co-op FRAUD affects US!

I have lived in the LES for about 7 years. I have been subletting an hdfc low-income co-op for $800. I recently found out that there are major restrictions on subletting and that profits are not to be... more
Started: April 23rd 2003Replies: 5
Resource Guide
How Landlords Can Use Credit Scoring to Make Rental Decisions
Creditscore_thWays in which FICO credit scores can help landlords choose renters.
How To Select The Right HOA Management Company
QuestionshowsmFour tips to help you select the right firm for your community
Hurricanes - Get Ready with Emergency Supplies
HurricanesmallWhat emergency supplies you will need for a hurricane emergency.
Resigning from your HOA Board? Don't Make these 5 Mistakes!
ResignThere may be many reasons for your resignation, but no matter your logic, you should know how to resign properly.


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