Board meetings are held every first Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Somerset Club House, and open to every resident of Somerset. The meeting's agenda consists of committee reports, old and new business. Also, any concern or grievance a resident has to present in person or in writing to the board. It is very important that all concerns be in writing, signed and dated by the resident. This will enable the board to follow up or if the board has any questions to contact the resident. The minutes of the meeting are posted in the club house bulletin board.
Our community web site is under construction, soon you will be able to get up-to-date information at; this site is sponsored by Georgia Power as a free service to the community.
A sign will be placed at the entrance the Sunday prior to the board meeting, reminding everyone of the meeting.
We look forward to having you attend our monthly meetings, and sharing your ideas for making this an even better community.
Norman Katz