Minutes for Thursday, January 10th, 2007
Meeting held at Mar Vista Library, 12006 Venice Blvd. Corner of Venice Blvd and Inglewood Blvd, Mar Vista.
Board members present: Chris McKinnon, Treasurer, Curt Steindler, MVCC Zone 5 Director and SoMar Vice President.
Neighbors and Members present: Michael of South Park Ave, Pat of North Park Ave, Kathleen of Barbara Ave, Martha and Joe of Mitchell Ave, Kathleen of Marcasel, Annette of Marcasel, and more.
Meeting called to order by Curt Steindler at 6:30 pm.
Announcements: Pat Karasick noted that there would be an exhibit of Australian aboriginal art at the MODAA gallery, on January 18th, from 7 to 11 pm.
Items on the Agenda:
Treasurer's Report:
• Chris McKinnon reports that $1,859.52 is in the bank, at present. He anticipates there will be some additional copying expenses for the newsletter. Three new members have signed on since last meeting. Curt notes that the $1,000 MVCC allowance for publishing the newsletter may be nearly exhausted. He estimates remaining funds at perhaps $200, at most.
Traffic Report:
• Linda Guagliano is absent, but Annette asks about Culver/Sepulveda/Sawtelle bottleneck due to construction. Curt advises that there are a minimum of eight months - to indefinite - delays anticipated. The freeway widening/HOV lanes project was stalled by overpass work at National due partly to improperly mapped utility lines. That led to an 18-month discussion between MWD and CalTrans. CalTrans had to redesign the overpass.
Safety and Security:
• Pat Karasick had encouraging news about crime statistics. She is one of five citizens invited to the General Staff Meeting for Los Angeles Police Department. In this year's Overview, crime was down 5%, with an 80% reduction in homicides. Aggravated assaults are down 14%, and there was an 18% reduction in total crime for the Pacific Division.
Some staggering statistics:
Daily, LAPD is involved with 700 field investigations, 450 arrests, 9,500 incoming calls, 2,200 of which are broadcast as radio calls. 9,800 gallons of fuel are burned, and the wireless bill is $2,700!
There are daily some 209 felony convictions on average.
Please don't leave anything of value in your car, however - thefts from autos are a continuing problem.
• Crime Reports: There is some additional graffiti reported in some alleys.
• Toy Drive/ Sleighride: Venice Grind supplied many gallons of much-appreciated coffee, and both the drive and Santa's tour were wildly successful. Picture on p. 3 of Newsletter!
Old Business:
• Centinela/Washington Blvd. Update: Chris M. reports that at the Monday meeting in Culver City, the developer proposed a two-story group of structures, featuring a walk-in plaza, and a break between the two outer corner buildings. The developer also is responsible for the re-made "Alibi" bar on Washington Blvd. Details of Culver City Redevelopment Agency meetings can be had at www.culvercity.org/agendas.
• Sunbay Motel/Upward Bound Shelter: Martha and Joe Santana report there will be a Culver City meeting on the 14th with Paul Samaris. Although this project earned an earlier letter of endorsement from the MVCC, many Beethoven St. neighbors are not at all in agreement with that motion.
• Washington Blvd./Beethoven Development: This concerns the parcel that's located three properties north of the Sunbay intersection. Traffic is already a mess, and neighborhood sentiment is strongly in favor of Culver City trying to improve this. The Developer wants to build four 30' high condos. By right, he apparently could build seven apartments on this R3 lot. However, construction of condos will require subdivision of the lot. MVCC voted to support the developer on this subject.
• Inglewood Blvd. Apartment Development: No news on this proposed project north of Washington Place, next to the existing Farmer's Insurance offices on the corner. By right, a large development (up to four stories) is possible. Land has been cleared.
• RV Parking on Washington Place and Marcasel: The four RVs parked here have moved, at least for the moment. Chris M. suggested that maybe RVs were displaced by the new Venice parking restrictions. Does Mar Vista have a similar plan in to be implemented? Without one, we will probably get spillover from Venice. As it is, vehicles need be moved only slightly, and only every 72 hours to remain in compliance with the law. LA City ordinances, however, prevent sleeping in your vehicle. Curt suggests notifying Police every time you see RVs stationed in the neighborhood, to generate statistics on this problem.
• Emergency Meeting Place for Mar Vista Residents: Some possible locations are the DMV parking lot on Washington Blvd, the CVS parking lot at Venice and Centinela.
• CERT training: Pat notifies us that we are approved to start a class beginning Wednesday, March 5th at 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. for seven consecutive Wednesdays, at the Library. Please contact Pat to sign up: 310. 572. 7929
• Need Volunteers for Mayor's Day of Service. Projects include Grandview and Library cleanups. An alleyway cleanup between Grandview and Centinela is anticipated, as well as Venice Blvd, beautification efforts. Joe suggests using court-ordered community service labor, if possible. Curt will try to ensure that these projects receive credit for service.
• Ideas for Beautification: Grants will be available next year. If we can secure labor and donations, the City will provide the matching funds up to $10,000. They are still looking for projects!
• Newsletters: 1,100 copies are now folded, and ready for distribution. A proposal to allocate postage for mailings to one or more Zone 5 apartment buildings per month was seconded and passed. This will allow the newsletters to reach the residents of those buildings to which volunteers cannot distribute the newsletters.
Public Comment:
• Venice Boulevard Streetscape Improvement Plans are on view at the Library. It was noted that three SoMar members are on the Association's Board.
• Some commercial buildings on Venice Blvd. near Grandview are changing owners. This would be a wonderful opportunity for possible restaurants. Suggestions ranged from Italian to tapas bars. The buildings include the current locations of Trash to Treasures and others. Will a preschool take over? It was noted that the KFC is also closing on the SE corner of Centinela and Washington Place.
• Big Lots on National is also closing and a Staples is rumored as a possible replacement.
• Reminder To Los Angeles dog owners: As of 1/1/08, those who wish to use the Santa Monica Dog Park will need proof of rabies vaccination, spay or neuter, Los Angeles and Santa Monica Dog Licenses. It is suggested that complaints be addressed to the Department of Animal Services, while duly noted that there are many benefits to having your dog licensed.
• Upcoming newsletter has "green" theme including a story on a local gardener who has made a conservation-oriented garden. Laura Bodensteiner is heading up the Green Committee for the MVCC.
• Dues are payable to the So Mar Association, so please remit them asap. Envelopes are included in the Newsletters.
• Meeting Adjourned 7:55 pm