Southaven Community Association


Posted in: Chesterfield

I would like to add that the unsupervised/undisciplined children in Chesterfield are far more destructive to the neighborhood than any animal could ever be. Just speaking for myself... they walk through my yard, destroy my flowers and plants, dump trash in my yard, and break off the tops of my fence slats. Would it be okay for me to sit outside and take a few shots at your kids? How about if I slap them around? No... not okay? Then how about you raise your kids to respect the property of others. Humans are blessed with free will... animals are not. An animal's got milennia of instinct guiding its actions. A kid's got crappy parenting going for it. So good job to all you parents who would rather let your kid run wild than possibly hurt his widdle feelings by disciplining him. You've not only ruined the neighborhood, you've hung yet another albatross around the neck of society.

I would like to note that Shooting an Animal with a Pellet Gun/BB Gun is a Felony offense...Animal Cruelty.  Not only does it carry a heavy fine but it also can get you Jail Time...not to mention your name and address added to a list of Animal Abusers...just like the people who sexually abuse Women and Children get.  Sweet Deal huh?

As Riklanim said, not all cats in the neighborhood are Strays.  My cat wore a collar and then one day she managed to get it off and before we could get her a new one with new tags...someone shot her! I would also like to add she was an indoor cat who liked to go out occasionally to enjoy the SUN so she didn't just roam the neighborhood 24/7.  Why not just post a notice in the neighborhood?  If you have time to aim a BB Gun or Pellet Gun at it why not a Camera and take a picture?  Post  the picture and ask the owner to PLEASE try keep their cat out of your garden or yard?  Or try to find out where the pet MIGHT live. That is what a decent person SHOULD do...not shoot it!

Think about how YOU would feel if it were your pet and someone shot and killed it all because it did it's business in their yard or garden!  If you would be cool with that happening to your pet, then by all means, continue harming animals but just know, what comes around goes around.  If you are caught, charges WILL BE PRESSED TO THE FULLEST OF THE can bet on that.

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I'd shoot that little bastard if it ran up in my yardSurprised

Okay, fine. I have a growing cat problem, but where a cat has raise kittens on my property and are all over my back porch. Recently there have been a lot of cats running around, but after the cats where found in my yard and causing damage, my oldest daughter watched a cat leave our yard and go to a neighbors house, and who opened to door to let it in. She asked if it were their own cat to which they indicated it was. She advised them of the issues in our yard at that the cat has had a family in our property, and to which there was a sudden language barrier...(go figure)


Look, I don't want to shoot the cats, and and I don't want to see them come to harm, and but I can't have this continue. 


What can I do that won't hurt them? Who can I call for help? 


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