Southlawn Neighborhood Association


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  • busybeaver
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • 18 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Greetings Everybody!

I hope you read my cover story article about my womb to tomb RELATIONSHIP with my daughter Yvette Flagg in CitiGal?’s last issue.

If not, go to and view the digital copy.

Neighborhood Strategist Gal
This is my first article for Neighborhood Strategist Gal. I am honored to prepare text - words, thoughts, research, comments and testimonials for your viewing and comments.

The City of Milwaukee has 15 Aldermanic Districts and 18 Community Development Block Grant areas. It is within these boundaries that I will pick hot button topics that bring in residential, commercial, light industrial, and institutional (clergy-school-social-government) stakeholders and their civic roles and responsibilities. I will monitor and scrutinize representation by our city, county, state and federal laws and representatives. I will spotlight outstanding effort/works of one/some that benefit the many.

My articles will be challenging, insightful and maybe inciting sometimes. For the most part, or until further notice, my articles will speak to issues that affect Milwaukeeans?’ quality of life and economic development issues with a solution tagline.

I will often reference People of Color and the Working Poor population while highlighting the benefits of diversity in our city.

I expect to hear from you about issues brought before you and issues of concern to you.

August 20-22, 2007, the 5-Year Signature Plan Chautauqua was held to bench mark its progress to date on ''neighborhood governance'' and ''connectivity''. It provided an opportunity for extensive talk, planning, discussion and goal-setting for the next 12 months.
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