Spring Falls HOA

A Little Help!

Posted in: Spring Falls

If you live in the Spring Falls Neighborhood. Please call 2713206 and let us know that you will help us make aour neighborhood a better place to live. It will not take a large committment at all. Sometimes we just need somebody to make a few calls to get contractor bids. We also need somebody with realty experience that can help monitor the new neighbor that are coming in so that we can make them feel welcome somehow. We would like to have a "Welcoming Committe" as well. All you would have to do is run to kroger and pick up a pie and take it to the new neighbor. We need a family that will be responsible for picking up trash for a week at a time in our common areas . The list of small but important task could go on and on.

Don't be afraid to get involved. We are all volunteers. Even the little things you do will make a difference.

In your service,


The Treasurer

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Wilma and I will continue picking up litter @ the Spring Station entrance and the portion of Leisure Lane that connects to Brook Bend Way.  Dan has given us garbage bags for litter disposal.  Since we have been able to get back in the woods with the onset of cold weather, the amount of litter being collected now is about half to 3/4 of a full bag per week.  And, as far as we can see, all the old discarded tires are now gone as well!

We will continue performing this task indefinitely as we see great benefits derived from it.  Everything looks so much better there!  As it is the main entrance to Spring Station, it does leave a better first impression to those that may be entertaining living here in the future...

If anyone sees anything in the above-mentioned area that we are missing, please let us know...

John and Wilma  Smile

I does look awesome now. I have noticed that someone (obvouiusly you guys) have been keeping the area picked up. Thank  you sooooooooo much!!! If we can get a few more people just to do a few little projects it will be much easier on us all. As you know, however, you usually have 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. I am like you in that my reward comes from seeing my neighborhood look awesome.

Happy Holidays!!

Call or stop by anytime ( it is, after all,  Hot Cocoa season!)


9806 spring pointe ct\c502 641 5707


We just moved into the neighborhood last March.  The neighborhood has been great, and we would like to help keep it that way/make it better by volunteering our time (the welcoming Commitee sounds like a great idea) please let us know what you need help with.

Thanks, Johnny and Nora

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