Spring Mountain H.O.A.


Posted in: Salford Pond Townhome
We are soliciting your feedback on the issue of parking. We have gotten much response to this issue in the past but we need to make decisions on how best to mark the homes/parking spaces in our development.

A few options are:
1.Paint numbers (two per home as noted in the by-laws) on each space.
2.Erect wood signs in front of each unit noting the addresses
3. Place large letters on the top of each building to coordinate with a sign posted at the entrance of the development

Please keep in mind that all decisions will be based on feedback from our homeowners. It is important that each homeowner remembers that we have safety concerns for fire/police/EMS. Emergency response teams are having difficulty finding homes when they are called - specifically the back units. As a board we want to ensure safety of our homeowners.

A decision must be made so please offer suggestions and opinions. We respect that not all homeowners will agree with the final decision but the board makes decisions that are unbias and best for all homeowners. Your suggestions and opinions count!

We expect that every e-mail suggestion or opinion will be respectful toward others. Harassment will not be tolerated on any level.

As always your suggestions and opinions will be kept confidential at your request. This is an open forum - all entries on this site will not be confidential. Confidntial information may be sent to the e-mail listed.
Thank you,
Salford Pond Board of Directors

By Board Members
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  • mew1210
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

I do not agree with a numbering system and especially disagree with having numbers or letters placed on the front of the buildings. I believe this neighborhood to be quaint development of homeowners and this system will make it more like a ''housing'' development more like Pheasant run or
montgomery woods, just for the sake of a few parking spaces. Enforce the two
spot rules by fining violators.
Addresses & Parking

The open letter to the homeowners seems to be addressing two very different situations, even though the solutions offered attempt to address both (pardon the pun).

The first issue seems to be clear identification of units for emergency personnel. We don't think anyone would question the need for that. Lettering buildings, however, does not seem an esthetically pleasing solution to that problem. Small wooden placards identifying each unit might be a solution, but they should be as small as possible while still visible from the street. Tasteful design, in accordance with the decor of the plan, would make it seem less of an afterthought, even though they now are.

The second issue, parking, is more complex because it involves identifying not only spaces but also vehicles. It also raises the issue of enforcement and/or penalties (extra fees?). We don't want to see the complex evolve into a community of ''who ratted on whom'' about parking spaces. Additionally, if numbers are painted on the curbs or pavement, they will eventually become invisible in the winter months, which would defeat the intended purpose.

We respect that other sections of the complex are more constricted than where we are and that parking is indeed a prime concern. However, we hope we can develop a solution that works for the good of us all.

Ro and Larry
  • Stock
  • girl1
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor
If 2 of my neighbors didn't have 4 cars each parking would not be an issue at all in my area. i agree that the numbers would degrade the look of the neighbor hood. as far as for emergency situations, each of us should be responsible for properly numbering our own homes.
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