City has issued an RFP for path improvements in Springbrook Park using contractor labor. The Proposal indicates that the work is according to the Springbrook Park Trail Plan-March 2002 update. The current schedule indicates proposals are due by 2/13/03 and the work to start on the paths in March with expected completion by mid-May.
The Tree Plantings were completed in Fall 2002. This was a large and successful collaboration among our neighbors, local Scouts and Uplands Elementary School volunteers?—in total, 251 Douglas Firs and Western Red Cedars were planted. (This initiative was funded by our 2001 Grant Award.)
SPAN received a Grant award from the City in December 2002?—includes funding for Springbrook Park Awareness Day (planned for Spring 2003) in collaboration with Uplands Elementary and additional trees to be planted along the Country Club border of Springbrook Park (planned for Fall 2003).