From City sources
Main Library, 3745 9th Ave. N. 7 p.m.
Conducted by St. Petersburg Preservation (SPPI).
Delving through early City Directories, Census data and obituaries, participants will learn how to document the lives of early occupants of their St. Petersburg home, come to better understand the development of their neighborhood and City, and will become proficient in local research techniques and resources. SPPI, 727-894-1064 or City Planning Dept., 892-5292
Main Library, 3745 9th Ave. N. 7 p.m.
Conducted by St. Petersburg Preservation (SPPI).
Delving through early City Directories, Census data and obituaries, participants will learn how to document the lives of early occupants of their St. Petersburg home, come to better understand the development of their neighborhood and City, and will become proficient in local research techniques and resources. SPPI, 727-894-1064 or City Planning Dept., 892-5292