Welcome !To Simpsonville if you are new to our Community.
Here are some facts about Simpsonville and the area.
One thing that is great about Simpsonville.The crime numbers are Low here. Since we are South of Greenville we don't have the crime trouble as Greenville.Compared to our other Towns near by our Town is the 3rd lowest on the list for Crime. Thats good news for everyone.
Simpsonville population is 13,990.
Since 2000 when Steeplechase opened we have really seen this area grow. Woodruff rd is now 4 lanes and we have a new Publix just 1 mile down the road from us. On Fairview rd we now have a Kohls and Target open so you don't have to fight the traffic on Wooodruff rd anymore togo shopping. Fiarview is to the south of us only 3 miles. Some links for you to check if you would like more information on the Upstate.
Greenville online
Greenville News
The Carolina Channel News 4 NBC