According to unofficial reports on Friday February 9, 01 the owner & driver of Anchor Towing of Key West was arrested for towing cars out of Key West and abandoning them on Stock Island near his rival, Arnold's Towing. I guess the word hasn't reached everyone. It will not be business as usual on Stock Island. However, the garbage flows both ways across the Cow Key Channel Bridge. Mr. Robert Svelitk of Atlantic Builders of Stock Island has gone out of business. He drove one truck across the bridge into Key West and dumped it between Scotty's and Walgreens. It has been there for months. Doesn't the management of Scotty's ever check their parking lot? His other truck full of junk was abandoned in front of the Old Dog Track on 5th St. near the Rusty Anchor. I called him and told him it was time to legally get rid of this truck. He moved it one block up the street. Come on Robert, bite the bullet and pay to have this truck removed and destroyed. Illegal dumping is a $5,000 dollar bail bond. Plus you've got to show up in court. Much cheaper to pay to have it taken away legally.