Date: March 2nd, 2004
Time: 7:00 ?¡V 8:00pm
Location: Minsky?¡?¦s Pizza ?¡V 7 Hwy
Attendees: Bill Myers, David Rosewell, Debi Hobbs, George Poe, Martha Poe, Joe Andrews and Paul Gros.
Absent: Mike Smith and Tim Cosens
1. Treasury Report ?¡V Debi Hobbs
?„X Checking Account = $2600.00
?„X Savings Account = $16,676.00
?„X Debi is waiting to deposit 30 checks at a time.
?„X Approx. 125 homes left outstanding on their dues. Home owners have until the end of the month to pay their dues.
?„X Review Past Due letter at next board meeting.
?„X Board has agreed to allow Mindy Dorris to pay $30.00 per month until her dues are current. This will take approx. 10 months.
2. Pond cleaning
?„X Clearwater is our current company for cleaning the pond.
?„X The contract has been renewed. The company is responsible for cleaning pond and maintenance of pump/fountain.
?„X Fountain should be placed in pond sometime in March/April
?„X George Poe is still trying to contact company to skim pond. He will arrange for a presentation at his house for the board members.
3. Lawn Care Company
?„X Lawn care contract is up for renewal. Board has decided to renew contract with current company ?¡V Midwest Lawn and Garden.
?„X Joe Andrews signed the contract this evening.
4. Evergreen Trees by pond
?„X Joe spoke with landscaping company and it was determined that the brown evergreen trees are not dead. They do need to be watered more often or they will die.
5. Pond Cleaning
?„X Bill Myers has tried contacting approx. 4 companies to discuss cleaning our pond. He is not having any luck getting callbacks.
?„X George Poe has recommended contacting Shaw & Sons. He said they will come in with a clam shell and remove the sludge from both ends of the pond. They will also haul away the sludge.
?„X George and Martha Poe to contact local companies for bids on project.
Time: 7:00 ?¡V 8:00pm
Location: Minsky?¡?¦s Pizza ?¡V 7 Hwy
Attendees: Bill Myers, David Rosewell, Debi Hobbs, George Poe, Martha Poe, Joe Andrews and Paul Gros.
Absent: Mike Smith and Tim Cosens
1. Treasury Report ?¡V Debi Hobbs
?„X Checking Account = $2600.00
?„X Savings Account = $16,676.00
?„X Debi is waiting to deposit 30 checks at a time.
?„X Approx. 125 homes left outstanding on their dues. Home owners have until the end of the month to pay their dues.
?„X Review Past Due letter at next board meeting.
?„X Board has agreed to allow Mindy Dorris to pay $30.00 per month until her dues are current. This will take approx. 10 months.
2. Pond cleaning
?„X Clearwater is our current company for cleaning the pond.
?„X The contract has been renewed. The company is responsible for cleaning pond and maintenance of pump/fountain.
?„X Fountain should be placed in pond sometime in March/April
?„X George Poe is still trying to contact company to skim pond. He will arrange for a presentation at his house for the board members.
3. Lawn Care Company
?„X Lawn care contract is up for renewal. Board has decided to renew contract with current company ?¡V Midwest Lawn and Garden.
?„X Joe Andrews signed the contract this evening.
4. Evergreen Trees by pond
?„X Joe spoke with landscaping company and it was determined that the brown evergreen trees are not dead. They do need to be watered more often or they will die.
5. Pond Cleaning
?„X Bill Myers has tried contacting approx. 4 companies to discuss cleaning our pond. He is not having any luck getting callbacks.
?„X George Poe has recommended contacting Shaw & Sons. He said they will come in with a clam shell and remove the sludge from both ends of the pond. They will also haul away the sludge.
?„X George and Martha Poe to contact local companies for bids on project.