Stonecreek Homeowners Association

August 2001 Issue

Aug 02, 2001


Keep Your Cool!

The Stonecreek HOA Board of Directors would like to welcome Sean Callahan back as a member of the Board of Directors. Sean accepted the position which was open for one year. The three-year position is still pending. We look forward to working with Sean for another year. Welcome back, Sean!

We have survived another summer school break. The addition of the security guard at the pool has made the summer season much more pleasant for all who visit the pool. Borg Property Services has passed along numerous e-mails from homeowners expressing their satisfaction with the pool area since the addition of the security guard. It has become much more pleasant to be at the swimming pool according to these e-mails.

With the assistance of Borg Property Services, we will be requesting a tour of the San Tan Power Plant for residents of Stonecreek HOA. The tour for Stonecreek is planned for September. If you are interested in this tour, please contact Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927 or e-mail BORGPROP@AOL.COM for details and the exact date.

Two Contracts Were Awarded:

All Property Maintenance Company - Water Feature Maintenance

All Property Maintenance Company - Tennis Court Maintenance

We Have No Upcoming Contracts:

The ACC committee is looking for new members again. Contact Sharon for information or to sign up.

Call Sharon Howes if you want information on a committee or want to join a committee (480﷓497﷓8124). Sharon will then handle the volunteer?’s communications between the Board of Directors, the homeowners and Borg Property Services.

The committee processed the following requests:

If you have questions about a planned project and would like to know if approval is required, please contact Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927.

You can get ACC forms from:
(1) Borg Property Services at 480-456﷓6927 or
BorgProp@AOL.COM or
(2) Frank at 480-926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident).
The CC&R?’s require ACC approval before starting projects that will change the appearance of your home or yard.

Visit our web site at: (all lowercase letters) WWW.NEIGHBORHOODLINK.COM/STONECREEK

Borg Property Services reported a total of 183 violations this month. Please take care of the weeds on your property as this is a finable violation in Stonecreek HOA.

Two yards were cleaned up by the Association at the homeowner?’s expense plus fines.

...what your property is worth in relationship to similar homes? The Maricopa County Assessor?’s web site makes it simple for you to find out. The first step is to find your parcel number (that thing that comes with the tax bill). The easiest way to find this number, is to go to and click on Residential Property Information. Entering your street NAME (Val Vista not Val Vista Drive) and your last name is the easiest of the three choices. This should give you your parcel number. Click on that parcel number, then click on COMPS and you should have a listing of houses comparable to yours that have sold recently and what they sold for. FYI: This link has been added to our web site.

...that you can still get your Casa Blanca Medical Center medical records by calling 480-632-5378? Be prepared to give your name, date of birth and physician?’s name. Allow three days before the records are available for pick up.

...that the Town of Gilbert has a Freestone Skate Park Safety Video? It is aired on the Town of Gilbert?’s TV channel 11 on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00 a.m., 1:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M..

?“Here are some money saving tips to help you keep your cool this summer:

?“* Be Proactive - don?’t wait for a breakdown. Prevention and maintenance for air conditioners such as professional cleaning and tuneups will cost less than repair or replacement.

?“* Check Qualifications - when you call a contractor for service, ask for at least three names and phone numbers of recent customers with similar equipment. Ask your contractor if their technicians have earned certification from NATE, the nonprofit North American Technician Excellence organization. NATE sets the standard of excellence for technicians working on air conditioning, ventilation and heating equipment.

?“* Use Your Senses - notice the sound your air conditioner makes when it?’s working and cooling properly. Machines often ?“tell?” you before they?’re going to quit. Pay attention to changes and you might avoid a costly repair.

?“* Watch Your Utility Bills - air conditioners can be energy gobblers in summer. If your bill is usually high, your system may be struggling. Having a qualified technician inspect your system can save you money on your utility bills.?”

?“For more information about NATE and technician certification, consumers and technicians can call
1-877-420-NATE, write to 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300, McLean VA 22102 or visit the Web site at”
Source: Valley of the Source

Would you be interested in joining a play group for Mom?’s and Kids? The play group would meet during the day when our older children are in school. Possible ages of kids who might be interested in the group would be one to four years. This group would be for residents of Stonecreek HOA only. We will begin making a list of all Mom?’s who are interested in joining the group. Your ideas and input for this group would also be appreciated. The group will begin to meet after the school year begins. So let?’s get to know each other and have some fun with our children! If you are interested, please contact Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927.

August 8, 1945 Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki,*
August 22 - Board of Directors meeting -
Mesa Public Library 6:45 PM-8:45 PM.
August 30 - Scleroderma Support Group Meeting -
Mesa Lutheran Hospital 6:30-8:30 PM (623-847-3757),

If you wish to speak at the Board of Directors meeting, you must contact Borg Property Services before the meeting so that you may be added to the agenda. If you wish to speak at the August meeting, you must contact Borg Property Services by August 17, 2001.

ONLY 4 FREE CONCERT LEFTThere are free concerts at the Superstition Springs Mall Amphitheater during the summer. The last four concerts are:
Aug 4 - The Uncle Mike Band - 70?’s hits
Aug 11 - Ken Wain Ensemble - Blues - Dr. John Style
Aug 18 - Swings - Jump Jive N Swing
Aug 25 - Mango Mango - Jimmy Buffet Faves, Island Originals
Time 7 PM - 9 PM
Place: Superstition Springs Mall Amphitheater

School will be starting soon. Be prepared to slow for the students and the school zone speed limits.

On July 16, 1945, ?“in the New Mexican desert at Alamogordo Air Base, 125 miles southeast of Albuquerque, the experimental atomic bomb was set off at 5:30 AM. Dubbed ?‘Fat Boy?’ by its creator, the plutonium bomb vaporized the steel scaffolding holding it as the immense fireball rose 8,000 ft. in a fraction of a second ﷓ ultimately creating a mushroom cloud to a height of 41,000 ft. At ground zero the bomb emitted heat three times the temperature of the interior of the sun. All plant and animal life for a mile around ceased to exist. When informed by President Truman at Potsdam of the successful experiment, Winston Churchill responded, "It's the Second Coming in wrath!"?” This was the test of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 8, 1945.
Chase?’s 2000 Calendar of Events

Do you, or someone you know, have an interest in research being done on new medicines? One good source of information can be found at the website

Get a free copy of the spring 2001 edition of the Arizona Department of Insurance ?“Automobile Premium Comparison Survey?” by calling 602-912-8444 or from their web site (

?“Hundreds of pets die each year due to problems from heat. ACCS (Animal Care and Control) warns pet guardians to protect their pets during the hot summer months . . . . Each summer ACCS receives hundreds of calls from citizens complaining about animals left outside with no shade or water. Many of those pets lose their life because of extreme temperatures. ACCS Is warning pet guardians to pay attention to their pets?’ basic needs when it's hot outside.

?“We encourage you to bring your animals inside when the temperatures get extreme, says Ed Boks, Director, ACCS. If it is too hot for you, it?’s too hot for your pets.

?“ACCS offers the following advice to pet owners during the summer months:

?“Keep your pets inside where it is cool. If you must keep your animal outside make sure he has adequate shade at all times during the day.

?“Exercise your dog in the early morning or late evening. Minimize his activity in the middle of the day when it is extra hot.

?“Provide your pet with fresh, cool water at all times.

?“Never leave your pet in a parked car. An animal's body temperature can rise in just seconds causing heat related problems. Normal body temperature for dogs and cats is 101-103 degrees.

?“Consult with your groomer or veterinarian to determine whether your pet would be more comfortable with a shorter haircut for the summer.

?“Walk your pet on cooler surfaces to protect his feet from burning.

?“Pay particular attention to older, younger, ill, or dogs with a pushed in nose. These animals have a difficult time regulating their body temperature.

?“If your pet shows signs of heat distress, cool him down slowly with a cool rag. Do not submerge him in water. Take your dog immediately to a veterinarian for follow up care.?”
Maricopa County Animal Control 2323 S. 35th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009
For more Information, contact Julie Bank at (602) 506-3471

?“The rates recommended by the Postal Rate Commission provided less revenue than the evidence provided by the Postal Service indicated was needed. In those instances, the law under which the Postal Service operates allows the Governors to modify rates under certain circumstances. First the Governors must fully reject a Commission?’s recommendations and send it back to the Commission for reconsideration. Upon the Commission?’s further reconsideration, the Governors may modify if they vote unanimously to do so. The Governors exercised their authority on May 7th and voted to implement the modified rates on July 1st.?” Note: the letter rate for the first ounce of 1st class postage remains unchanged at $.34.
Source: USPS

DO YOU ENJOY BIKING?Attend the Town of Gilbert?’s Bike Advisory Council meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. It is held at the Southeast Regional Library from
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.. Call 503-6234 for information.

?“The Maricopa County Environmental Services Department has reported an increase in food borne illness complaints since May 1 and says a stomach ailment called gastroenteritis may be the culprit in some cases. Rising temperatures and outdoor activities increase the chances of getting sick, but there are a few simple things Valley residents can to do stay healthy.

"Gastroenteritis is very easy to transmit, but it's also very easy to prevent," said Mike Williams, Food borne Illness Coordinator. "Washing your hands is the best way to avoid getting sick from the thousands of things we touch each day," Williams said.

?“Gastroenteritis is an irritation and inflammation of the digestive tract caused by viruses or bacteria that people can contract most commonly by: person-to-person contact, including touching door handles and faucet handles, bathing in lakes or streams, swallowing infected water, or eating contaminated or uncooked foods.

?“Warm temperatures can speed up bacteria growth and, given the right circumstances, harmful bacteria can quickly multiply on food, causing people to get sick," says David Ludwig, Environmental Health Division Manager. "You can fight this contagious illness by washing hands prior to preparing foods, eating, smoking, drinking, or doing anything that might get contamination into the mouth," Ludwig said Symptoms can vary, but generally include:

?“Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, head and body aches, low-grade fever, and stomach cramps or pain.

?“Illness begins within one to three days after contact and symptoms may begin suddenly, most commonly with stomach pain, or gradually within a few hours. It usually lasts one or two days with rapid recovery. This illness is usually not life threatening, except to the people who have weakened immune systems or are very young or old. Diagnosis of the exact cause of this illness can be difficult and is most often made by symptoms alone.

?“The best treatment is to rest and maintain fluid intake, guard against dehydration, and follow your physician's instructions for food intake. People who get sick and may be carriers should be extra careful about handling foods for at least two days after symptoms cease. This will help prevent spreading it to others.

?“Hot or cooked foods are rarely the sources of this illness because cooking destroys it. Since this illness has an onset time of about 24 hours and there are several means of transmission, it is unlikely that the last meal eaten was the source. However, proper handling of hot and cold food is always a good way to reduce the risk of getting sick.

?“These simple steps will help:
Wash hands and surfaces often,
Separate raw and cooked foods; don't contaminate,
Cook food to proper temperatures,
Refrigerate food promptly.

?“If you think you are suffering from a food borne illness or have questions about gastroenteritis, call your medical care provider for advice.?”
For more information, contact Laura Devany at (602) 506-6611.
Source: Maricopa County Environmental Health

WATER CONSERVATION TIPSThis summer, the Town of Gilbert?’s peak demand for safe, clean drinking water is estimated to reach 43 million gallons per day, which is enough water to fill 4,300 average size swimming pools.

Below are several water saving tips for inside and outside your home, because everyone can help reduce water waste.

* run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full and you could save 1,000 gallons a month.

* check your water meter and bill to track your water usage.

* use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save up to 80 gallons of water every time.

* we?’re more likely to notice leaky faucets indoors, but don?’t forget the check outdoor faucets, pipes and hoses for leaks.

* adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. Longer grass will reduce the loss of water to evaporate.

* put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the bowl, you have a leak. It?’s easy to fix, and can save more than 600 gallons a month.

* install a rain shut-off device on your automatic sprinklers to eliminate unnecessary watering.

*choose a water-efficient drip irrigation for your trees, shrubs and flowers.

* remember to check your sprinkler system valve periodically for leaks and keep the heads in good shape.

* before you lather up, install a low-flow showerhead. They?’re inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week.
Source: The Town of Gilbert
When you walk your pet, please clean up any messes that it leaves behind. To leave their mess is an HOA violation and a Town of Gilbert Code violation.

If you have any questions for the Board of Directors or comments on the newsletter, call Borg Property Services or attend the monthly Board meeting.

All residents are encouraged to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings. Call Borg Property Services to confirm the time and location and to insure that we have available seating. You may also check our web page for meeting information.

Fire Dept. (Information) 480-503-6300
Police (Information) 480-503-6500
Voter Registration/elections 506﷓1511
Borg Property Services 480-456﷓6927
Borg Property Services - BorgProp@AOL.COM
Sean Callahan - HOA Board of Director
Jeff D?’Aurora - HOA Board of Director
- HOA Board of Director
Jack Maas - HOA Board of Director
Judy Morgan - HOA Board of Director
Sharon Howes -Volunteer Committee 497-8124
Gilbert Police Crime Prevention 503-6527
Can I burn in my fire place? 506-6400
Town of Gilbert (barking/vicious dogs) 503-6500
Town of Gilbert (dead animal removal) 503-6400
Town of Gilbert (graffiti removal) 503-6500

Please help yourself by telling your title company that a sale is pending and that they must notify Borg Property Services of the pending sale. Borg Property Services has seven (7) days to inspect your house before the sale can be completed. (House bill 2299) If the inspection must be done in less than seven (7) days because they did not notify Borg Property Services, then Borg Property Services will charge the homeowner an extra fee. Title companies have been known to ask for a rush inspection because they did not notify Borg Property Services, and the homeowner is charged the extra fee.

There is always a fee associated with this inspection. The homeowner pays this fee at closing. Contact Borg Property Services for its rates.

If you have a question or complaint concerning Stonecreek HOA, contact our property management company, which is Borg Property Services. Their office hours are 9-4 M-TH and 9﷓12 Friday.
Phone: (480) 456﷓6927 FAX: (480) 456﷓9439
E-mail: BorgProp@AOL.COM.
Send all correspondence and payments to:
Borg Property Services
1245 W. Guadalupe, #B6-306
Mesa, AZ 85202

BASE COLORS: (Dunn Edwards or equivalent)
Pheasant, Baja White, Desert Dawn,
Navajo White, Bone China

If the house will be all one color, then no ACC approval is needed provided you use an approved Base color. If you are painting the ?“pop-outs?” (raised stucco surrounding the windows and/or garage) an approved trim color, then you do not need to submit an ACC form.

TRIM COLORS: Original Cinnamon, Briar,
Dry Earth, Adobe South
ROOF TILE = Monier #1604 or equivalent Lifetile #108

To review these colors call Frank at 926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident). You may review the chips in his home or checked out to review at your home. Please respect Frank as a fellow homeowner and contact him only between the hours of 10 am-8 PM, Monday-Friday.

If you choose a different color than those approved by the ACC, then you must submit an ACC form with a large sample of the color you wish to use. You must allow 45 days for approval of a new color.

Homeowners have painted the following locations if you would like to drive by and check them out.
543 N. Quartz street (Baja White, trim cinnamon)
1414 E. Mineral - Bone China with Dry Earth
1501 E. Commerce - Desert Dawn with Dry Earth

August 10, 2001 is the deadline for all information to be in the next issue. (1268 E. Laurel Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.)

This Newsletter is published monthly by the Stonecreek HOA. Contact Borg Property Services with questions or comments.

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