Stonecreek Homeowners Association

December 2002 Issue

Feb 25, 2003

Stonecreek Homeowner?’s Association, Gilbert, AZ 85234
Monthly Newsletter December 2002

Have a Very Merry Christmas

After several month?’s of research, negotiations and discussions, a new landscape maintenance company has been selected. AZTEC Landscaping Company starts their weekly landscape maintenance at Stonecreek on December 1, 2002. Aztec was selected over ten landscape maintenance companies in what turned out to be a very difficult and important decision. The Board is confident that the common areas will improve over time under Aztec?’s guidance.

Also, please be aware that the Board is contemplating a large capital improvement at the front water feature at Val Vista and Juniper. A retaining wall is failing and will need to be replaced. Unfortunately, this work will require the removal of several large pine trees. This work is tentatively slated for a January/February time frame. The appearance at Stonecreek?’s main entrance at Val Vista will be substantially changed. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

The Board wishes everyone a safe and happy Holiday.

1 - Rosa Parks Day. *
7 - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, *
12 - Freestone Park Holiday Concert & Tree Lighting,
15- Uncontained trash pick up week,
15 - Bill of Rights Day,
16 - Battle of the Bulge Began (1944),
18 - Board of Directors meeting -
Mesa Public Library
6:45 PM-8:45 PM
31 - Official End of WWII (1946)
22 - Board of Directors meeting -
Mesa Public Library
6:45 PM-8:45 PM.

If you wish to speak at the Board of Directors meeting, contact Borg Property Services by 12/15, 2002 so that you may be added to the agenda.

Rosa L. Parks (born 1913) was a U.S. civil rights advocate. She refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Ala., in 1955. This led to the bus boycott that sparked the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. She was awarded the Spingarn Medal in 1979. December 1 is Rosa Parks Day.

Tony Bernot (480-892-7505) will pickup, repair and give your unneeded bicycles to the Gilbert Community Action Program (CAP). You get a CAP receipt that you can use as a tax deduction. CAP then gives them to needy children at Christmas time.

The Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor cost over 2,400 American lives. Many of these honored dead are buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii. The cemetery is in Punchbowl Crater, an extinct volcano known as Puowaina, Hawaiian for ?“Hill of Sacrifice.?”

Last month we had NO vandalism.
Stonecreek Homeowner's Association Newsletter. Published monthly.
Web Site:

Sean Madigan
Jack Callahan
Sean Maas

Property Management
Borg Property Services
Office hours:
Mon-Thur 9-4, Friday 9-12
Phone: 480-456-6927
FAX: 480-456-9439
E-mail: BorgProp@AOL.COM.
Send all correspondence and payments to:
1245 W. Guadalupe, #B6-306
Mesa, AZ 85202
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The HOA does not endorse any product listed in this newsletter.
Copyright?©2002 Stonecreek HOA.

One Contract Awarded:
Aztec Landscaping will begin maintaining our common areas on December 1, 2002.
No Upcoming Contracts:

The following items are currently under discussion and consideration by the Board of Directors:
additional lighting at the playground,
adding picnic tables in the common areas,
potential new Landscape Committee,
ACC seeking volunteers,
New Board Members,
2003 Budget.
Val Vista/Juniper retaining wall/Front landscaping

If you have any topics you wish to have addressed by the Board of Directors, please contact Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927 or e-mail at BorgProp@AOL.COM.

ACC COMMITTEEYou can get ACC forms from:
(1) Borg Property Services at
480-456-6927 or BorgProp@AOL.COM or
(2) Frank at 480-926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident).

The CC&R?’s require ACC approval before starting projects that will change the appearance of your home or yard. If you have questions about a planned project and would like to know if approval is required, please contact Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927.

The committee processed the following requests:

Call Nancy Borg if you want information on a committee or want to join a committee.

The CC&R?’s require ACC approval before starting projects that will change the appearance of your home or yard.

Borg Property Services reported a total of 98 violations this month. Nancy reminds us to keep after the weeds and to keep your palm trees trimmed.VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS IN CANDLELIGHT BRIGHTENS SEASON AT SHRINE HOUSE
The flickering lights of Christmas past will illuminate the Sirrine House Museum, 160 North Center Street, Mesa, AZ. during a special holiday showing 12/13 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Families can enjoy 19th century children's Christmas activities, entertainment and refreshments. At 7 p.m. the Emerson Bell Ringers will perform. Candlelight tours of the Sirrine House will continue until 9 p.m.

Furnished with authentic period antiques and collectibles, The Shrine House is the City of Mesa's only fully restored late 19th century house and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The house will be decorated for the holiday season through January 5. Off-hour tours of the Sirrine House are available by appointment. For more information call (480) 644-2760.


The Mom?’s and Tot?’s play group meets Thursday?’s in the Stonecreek Park at 10 A.M.. All mom?’s and kids are welcome. If you are interested in joining, contact Nancy Borg at 480-456-6927 or email Nancy at BorgProp@AOL.COM. This group is fun and many new friends can be made for the mom?’s and kids.
We are neighbors who socialize with fellow Stonecreek neighbors monthly. Last month we went to Serrano's restraint after our monthly meeting. If you want to join us, we meet on the 4th Friday of each month (6:30 P.M.) at the Stonecreek Playground to plan upcoming outings and for an evening of fun. Call Camille 480-926-4412 between 5:30 P.M. and 8 PM for information. Come join us for a fun evening!

The Board of Directors is considering forming a new playground committee. The committee would be meeting to discuss adding a canopy, lighting etc. to the playground area. Please contact Borg Property Services to indicate your desire to belong to the playground committee.

Do you want to know why some changes to a house/yard are allowed and some are not? Join the Architectural Control Committee and find out. Please contact Borg Property Services (480-456-6927) if you are interested in serving on this very important committee.
Do you want to remove the 'volume' icon from your windows taskbar to save taskbar space and memory?
Right-click on the volume icon, select 'adjust audio properties', unclick 'show volume control on the taskbar' and then click 'OK'.

Signs of under Watering
older leaves turn yellow or brown and drop
leaves are dull, wilted, or drooping
leaves curl
stems or branches die back
Signs of over Watering
leaves turn a lighter shade of green or yellow,
young shoots are wilted
growth is excessive
algae and/or mushrooms are on or around plants.

Tax exempt organizations (1.4 million of them) are growing at the rate of 30,000 per year. Most charities are honest. Unfortunately, a few are not. Here are some pointers so that you give your money to people who need it and who will use it wisely.

1. Know your charity - don?’t give your money to an organization you know nothing about. Ask for written information.

2. Find out where your money goes. If more than 40% goes to administration costs, further information is probably in order.

3. Do not respond to pressure. No respectable organization will request that you give immediately.

4. Keep records of your donations. Never give cash. The IRS requires that you obtain a receipt from the charity (a canceled check will not suffice) for all tax-deductible contributions of $250 or more.

?“5. Remember: ?“tax exempt?” does not always mean ?“tax deductible.?” Not all charities soliciting for ?“good causes?” are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. ?“Tax exempt?” means the organization does not have to pay taxes. ?“Tax deductible?” means the donor can deduct contributions to the charity on his or her federal income tax return. Request the charity?’s tax exempt letter. If the charity does not have a tax exempt letter indicating its status with the IRS, you cannot legitimately claim your contribution as a tax deduction.?”

6. Do not be misled by a charity?’s familiar name. Some organizations may sound alike, but in truth be a totally different organization from what you are familiar with. Again, get written information.

7. Do not be enticed by emotional appeals. Beware of the pathetic ?“sob story.?”

8. Ask if the charity is registered by federal, state and/or local authorities. Bear in mind that registration in and of itself is not a stamp of government approval or endorsement of the charity.

9. Beware of charities offering gifts. Direct mail solicitations are often accompanied by greeting cards, address stickers, calendars, key rings or other ?“gifts.?” Charities do this because it can increase donations. You do not have to make a contribution to keep these ?“gifts.?” It is against the law for a charity to demand payment for any unordered merchandise. Beware that these enclosed items can mean higher fund-raising costs for the organization.

10. Consider giving generously. Once you are satisfied that the charity is worthwhile, give generously if you can. There are many good charities that need your help to operate valuable programs and provide needed services. When you give wisely, you will be giving more effectively.
Source:Tips for Giving Wisely to Charity D/L 2/5/2
I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think, Well, that's not going to happen!

COLOR CODESHave you seen workers paint colored strips on the ground? Do you know what they mean? For those who are wondering:
red = electric power
yellow = gas-oil-product lines
orange = communication cable TV
blue = water systems, slurry pipelines
green = sanitary sewer system
white = proposed excavation
purple = reclaimed water

Almost everyone likes the taste of low-fat milk. In blind taste tests of more than 1900 children and adults, 95% liked the taste of 1% or fat-free (skim) milk.

Whole and 2% milk are leading sources of artery clogging saturated fat in the diets of American children and adults. Saturated fat is a major contributor to heart disease - the number one killer of American men and women.

A glass of whole milk has as much saturated fat as 5 strips of bacon, a Snickers candy bar, or a fast food ham-burger.

If you drink 1 cup of whole milk a day and switch to 2% milk, you will drink 14,600 calories fewer in a year.

If you drink 1 cup of whole milk a day and switch to 1% milk, you will drink 18,250 calories fewer in a year.

If you drink 1 cup of whole milk a day and switch to skim milk, you will drink 25,550 calories fewer in a year.

A glass of 2% milk has as much saturated fat as 3 strips of bacon; only 1% and skim milk are low fat.

If you drink 1 cup of 2% milk a day and switch to 1% milk, you will drink 7,300 calories fewer in a year.

While milk is high in fat, it is a good source of calcium which is needed for strong bones. Sources:
Mesa Senior Services, Inc.

Are your feet/toes cold? Try putting your socks in the dryer for a few minutes before putting them on. Feels wonderful! (Also works on shirts and pants!)

Do you have any handles (a refrigerator door, a door lever etc.) that hurt your hands or are hard to hold because of arthritis pains? Try putting pipe insulation around them. (The black foam found at hardware stores.)

Pull weeds every week so they don't steal water from your plants.

When you walk your pet, please clean up any messes which it leaves behind. To leave their mess is an HOA violation and a Town of Gilbert Code violation.
Reduce your water consumption - and save money - by adjusting your irrigation system each season.

Dec 12, March 6, Apr. 3,
May 1, June 5, 2003
FIRE/POLICE EMERGENCY 911 Fire (General) 480-503-6300
Police (General) 480-503-6500
Gilbert web:
Voter Registration/elections 480-506-1511
Sky Harbor Parking 602-273-4545
Gilbert Police Crime Prevention 503-6527
Can I burn in my fire place? 506-6400 Barking/vicious dogs 503-6500
Dead animal removal 503-6400
Graffiti removal 503-6500
If you have any questions for the Board of Directors or comments on the newsletter, call Borg Property Services or attend the monthly Board meeting.

All residents are encouraged to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings. Call Borg Property Services to confirm the time and location and to insure that we have available seating. You may also check our web page for meeting information.

There are always fees when you sell you home. House bill 2299 requires Borg Property Services to inspect your home before it can be sold and they are allowed seven (7) days for this inspection. There is a standard fee for inspection. If they must do the inspection in less than seven days, they charge the homeowner an additional fee. (Title companies sometimes forget to notify Borg Property Services of the pending sale and ask for a ?‘rush?’ inspection.) The homeowner pays the standard fee (plus any rush fees) at the closing. Contact Borg Property Services for its rates. Do yourself a favor and you contact Nancy (480-456-6927) of a pending sale.

BASE COLORS: (Dunn Edwards or equivalent)
Pheasant, Baja White, Desert Dawn,
Navajo White, Bone China

If the house will be all one color, then no ACC approval is needed provided you use an approved Base color. If you are painting the ?“pop-outs?” (raised stucco surrounding the windows and/or garage) an approved trim color, then you do not need to submit an ACC form.

TRIM COLORS: Original Cinnamon, Briar, Dry Earth, Adobe South
ROOF TILE = Monier #1604 or equivalent Lifetile #108

To review these colors call Frank at 926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident). You may review the chips in his home or checked out to review at your home. Please respect Frank as a fellow homeowner and contact him only between the hours of 10 am-8 PM, Monday-Friday.

If you choose a different color than those approved by the ACC, then you must submit an ACC form with a large sample of the color you wish to use. You must allow 45 days for approval of a new color.

Homeowners have painted the following locations if you would like to drive by and check them out.
543 N. Quartz street
Baja White, trim cinnamon
1414 E. Mineral
Bone China with Dry Earth
1501 E. Commerce
Desert Dawn with Dry Earth

Dec. 10, 2002 is the deadline for all information to be in the next issue. (1268 E. Laurel Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.) Contact Borg Property Services with questions or comments.

NOTE: The HOA does not endorse any product listed in this newsletter.

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