Stonecreek Homeowners Association

September 2000 Issue

Aug 29, 2000

September 2000

One new Board member was appointed with one position to be filled at the September Board meeting.

The swimming pool was reopened in July. The cost of the damage was $1,500.00. This bill from Shasta Pools for the repair has been sent to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Remember that school has started.
Watch for kids darting into the street at any time.
No passing in school zones, even if the other car is going less than the speed limit.
Kids are our most important resource for the future - protect them!

The 2001 budget process is under way. A preliminary budget will be discussed at the October Board meeting. Your suggestions and ideas are welcome. If you want to comment on the budget or want something added to the 2001 budget, contact Nancy at Borg Property Services.

Q. What is the status of the Town of Gilbert 'WIN' Grant submitted in 2000?

A. As of this date a WIN Grant has not been submitted. The Board of Directors is anticipating that the Grant will be applied for within the next couple of months. Stonecreek HOA will be requesting assistance with the installation of lights and other security measures around Stonecreek HOA. This may also include the new signs at the pool and at the tennis courts.

Additional decomposed granite for the common areas - Pacific Landscape - not to exceed $2,500,
Letterheads - Boca Graphics - $800 for 5,000 sheets of paper with our new logo.
Renew maintenance of tennis courts and water feature - Callahan Cleaning

Tennis courts surface maintenance.

Note: the Board of Directors has a policy of reviewing all contracts yearly to insure that the contract price is in line with the price of the contract. We solicit bids when the price is too high, the quality of work is not what we expect, or we just want to insure that we have a competitive contract. This policy is enforced with all contracts.

The Gilbert WIN matching grants program uses town general funds to assist neighborhoods in financing neighborhood enhancement projects. The project must benefit the entire neighborhood or community and demonstrate the direct involvement of the neighborhood residents who are affected by the project.

Any organized neighborhood group or homeowner's association within the Town of Gilbert may apply for Gilbert WIN matching funds. Up to $5,000 may be available to each applicant. All Gilbert WIN matching grants must be matched at least dollar for dollar by the applicant. For more information contact 503-6767.

Call Sharon Howes if you want information on a committee or want to join a committee (480-497-8124). Sharon will then handle the volunteer communications between the Board of Directors, the homeowners and Borg Property Services.

The committee processed the following requests:

The CC&R's require ACC approval before starting projects that will change the appearance of your home or yard. You can get ACC forms from:

(1) Borg Property Services at 480-456-6927 or
(2) George at 480-926-3619 (Stonecreek Resident) or
(3) Frank at 480-926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident),

George and Frank deal with ACC issues only; they are not responsible for handling other issues - like complaints about the HOA etc.

There is no longer a Landscape Committee. Borg Property Services is conducting all landscape inspections. Borg Property Services appreciates the input of any homeowner within Stonecreek HOA who has a concern regarding the landscaping of any property or common area. Borg Property Services reported a total of 98 violations this month.

Visit our web site at: (all lowercase letters) WWW.NEIGHBORHOODLINK.COM/STONECREEK

We still need help on the ACC committee. They generally meet once a month to act upon the ACC requests submitted.

You may contact the Volunteer Committee for further information on a committee or to join a committee.

The Stonecreek HOA newsletter is published monthly. If you fail to receive a newsletter or know of someone who is not getting a newsletter, please contact Borg Property Services so the situation can be corrected. We usually publish the newsletter shortly before the first of the month.
Sept 1 - WWII began, 1939
Sept 2 - V-J Day, 1945
Sept 4 - Labor Day
Sept 5 - Top Notch Pest Control on site today.
Sept 5 - Be Late for Something Day
Sept 10 - National Grandparent's Day
Sept 20 - Board of Directors meeting -
Mesa Public Library 6:45 PM-8:45 PM
Sept 23 - Fifth Congress of Neighborhoods *
Sept 24 - Kid's day
Sept 24 - National Good Neighbor Day
Sept 28 - Scleroderma support group-Mesa Lutheran Hospital 6:30-8:30 PM
Sept 30 - So Long to Summer Feast *
October 4 - Top Notch Pest Control on site today.
October 25 - Board of Directors meeting -
Mesa Public Library 6:45 PM-8:45 PM (tentative location)
NOTE: An item in the calendar that has an "*" has a related article elsewhere in the newsletter.

Scorpions are close relatives of insects and spiders. They are most commonly seen in desert areas of the Southwest. They are frequently found under stones, in piles of rocks, in wood piles, and under the bark of trees. They are also often found in crawlspaces, attics, and foundations. They will enter homes and are most likely found in washrooms, bathrooms, or kitchens where they seek water.

The mother scorpion produces an average of 32 living young per brood which she carries on her back for five to fifteen days. It takes three to five years for most species to reach maturity. Scorpions are predators, feeding mainly on insects and spiders. They can survive without feeding for six months.

Removal of scorpion harborage (shelter) areas is one of the most effective ways to remove a population. Piles of trash and scrap lumber should be eliminated. Firewood or lumber should be stored off the ground where possible. Inside the home, all wall voids, cracks, crevices and vents should be sealed or netted. Eliminating entry points is a key to keeping scorpions from entering the home. Scorpions can be most effectively controlled with careful, thorough applications of dusting into cracks and crevices and other potential harborage areas. By applying these methods and eliminating scorpion food sources, you will have a better control of the problem known as the "scorpions".
Information provided by Top Notch Pest Control
with excerpts from PT Technicians Manual

(Continued from August issue)
"Helpful Tips on Ways to Protect Yourself.

"Criminals break into mail boxes or send change of address cards to divert mail to commercial mailbox rental sites that they control.

"Some will obtain low-level jobs in financial institutions to gain access to credit records.

"Some will raid your mailbox or dive into your trash pilfering your financial information to steal your identity.

"Some will steal purses or wallets to find the account numbers they need to assume your identity.

"Some are able to illegally obtain legitimate bank cards or account information. With this information they will create portfolios of fictitious identification including Driver's License, Social Security Card, and other materials to support the purchasing power behind the cards.

"There was a report of where some thieves obtained a master key that opened all 1,600 postal collection and mail boxes in a city, in Seattle. This resulted in numerous cases of mail theft. That incident prompted postal officials to replace all the blue collection boxes with more secure boxes, new locks, and keys. The new boxes are even bolted to the concrete with tamper-proof nuts, but even that wasn't enough. Thieves stole several of the new boxes by ripping them off the cement-anchored bolts, using vehicles.

"Protect yourself by taking the following steps.
*Keep an eye on your accounts throughout the year by reading your monthly/periodic statements thoroughly. That's an easy way for you to be sure that all of the activity in your account was initiated by you.

*Tear up or shred pre-approved credit offers, receipts and other personal information that link your name to account numbers. Don't leave your ATM credit or credit card receipt in public trash cans. Crooks (aka "dumpster divers") are known to go through trash to get account numbers and other items that will give them just enough information to get credit in your name.

"*If your credit card or other bills are more than 2 weeks late, you should do 3 things: 1st, contact the Postal Service to see if someone has forwarded your mail to another address; 2nd, contact your bank to ask if the statement or card has been mailed; 3rd, contact the businesses that send you bills.

"*Protect your account information. Don't write your personal pin number on your ATM card. Don't write your Social Security Card number or credit card account number on a check. Cover your hand when entering your PIN# at an ATM.

"*Don't carry your Social Security Card or birth certificate UNLESS you need it that day. Take all but one or two credit cards out of your wallet, and keep a list at home of your account information and customer service telephone numbers. That way they will be available if you need to contact them.

"*NEVER PROVIDE PERSONAL OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE, UNLESS YOU INITIATED THE CALL! Crooks are known to call with the news that you've won a prize and all they need is your credit card number for verification. Don't fall for it.

"If you suspect that someone is using your personal information don't wait until it is too late. Report the suspicious transactions to the appropriate credit card company, bank, and to your local law enforcement agency.

"Financial fraud is a crime. Contact your local enforcement agency.

"Notify your banks. They can help you obtain new account numbers for all of your checking, savings and other accounts. Be sure to pick a new PIN number for your ATM and debit cards. Close all of your credit card accounts and open with new accounts.

"Notify the Postal Inspector if you suspect mail theft, which is a felony.

"Depending on your situation, you may want to contact the Social Security Administration to get a new Social Security number.

"If your checks were lost or stolen, report the theft to your local law enforcement agency. You will be asked to give a sworn statement saying that no one had permission to use the stolen checks or sign your name to these checks. Notify your bank of the theft and fill out any forgery affidavits for checks that have been already passed. Notify the credit reporting agencies or check verification companies of the theft of your checks and any forged checks that may have been passed.

"If someone has been fraudulently using your credit cards, you need to take the following steps:

"*Notify your credit company. If someone has stolen your credit cards (s) report it immediately to the credit card company(s). (Continued pg. 4)
"*Report the theft as soon as possible with your local law enforcement agency.

"*If someone has been establishing fraudulent credit card accounts in your name, contact the credit card company and cancel the accounts. Call the credit reporting companies and report the fraud.

"*Remember the credit card is actually owned by the credit card company. If they reimburse your account for the fraudulent charges, they will become the listed victim. In this case, your PRIMARY CONCERN is to keep your good credit rating intact.

"If your ATM or debit card is lost or stolen report it as soon as possible to the bank, and to your local law enforcement agency.

"Listed below are some of the credit bureaus that you can contact if you find discrepancies in your credit rating.

Report of Fraud
Consumer Fraud Assistance
PO Box 1017
Austin, Texas 75013

Report of a Fraud
PO Box 740241
Atlanta, Georgia 30374-024'

Report of a Fraud

To report fraudulent use of your Social Security number.

U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Orlando Office
Source:ourfrontporch [tips on identity theft]

On October 28, 2000, the AZ Transplant House will hold a Fund Raiser and Silent Auction. More information will be provided next month on this worth cause. Keep the date open. If you wish to donate items for the silent auction, contact Nancy L. Stone @ 480-503-2007 or
Germany invades Poland without warning, precipitating world war II. (September 1, 1939)

2000 Gilbert Community of Excellence Awards:
Stars of Gilbert
6:30-10:00 p.m.
Trilogy at Power Ranch
For information call 480-892-0056 (September 16, 2000)

So Long to Summerfest
6:30 - 10:00 p. m.
Crossroads Park.
Admission is Free but nominal fees for activities. Sponsored by Gilbert Parks and Recreation Department. For information call 480-503-6200 (September 23, 2000)

5th Congress of Neighborhoods
8 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. - noon.
McQueen Activity Center.
An interactive partnership among residents, businesses, Gilbert public schools, service organizations and the Town of Gilbert, participating in a forum to communicate and educate each other on the issues and goals of the community. Sponsored by the Congress of Neighborhoods Committee, The Arizona Republic and Town of Gilbert. For information call 480-503-6760. (September 23, 2000)

Concert in the Park
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Freestone Park Amphitheater.
Admission free. Sponsored by Gilbert Parks and Recreation Department.
For information call 480-503-6200. (October 5, 2000)

Now is the time to think about people less fortunate than ourselves. Here is a way that you can get rid of unused bikes, make a donation, and save yourself the time and trouble of disposing of them all at the same time.

Call Tony at 480-892-7505 if you have any bicycles that you want to get rid of. They do not have to be in working order. Tony will come to your house, pick them up free of charge and give you a Gilbert Community Action Program (CAP) receipt that you can use as a tax deduction. Tony restores the bikes and gives them to CAP to give to needy children at Christmas time. Stonecreek has donated many bicycles over the last years. Maybe we can keep the tradition up. Call Tony, make his day and make a needy child happier this Christmas.

Get Involved - Join the Board!
or come to the Board Meetings

If you have any questions for the Board of Directors or comments on the newsletter, call Borg Property Services or attend the monthly Board meeting.

When you walk your pet, please clean up any messes that it leaves behind. To leave their mess is an HOA violation and a Town of Gilbert Code violation.

All residents are encouraged to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings. Call Borg Property Services to confirm the time and location and to insure that we have available seating. You may also check our web page for meeting information.

Note: NEW Gilbert Numbers
Fire Dept. (Information) 480-503-6300
Police (Information) 480-503-6500
Voter Registration/elections 506-1511
Borg Property Services 480-456-6927
Borg Property Services - BorgProp@AOL.COM
Sean Callahan - HOA Board of Director
Jeff D'Aurora - HOA Board of Director
- HOA Board of Director
Sandra Lescoe - HOA Board of Director
- HOA Board of Director
Sharon Howes -Volunteer Committee 497-8124
Gilbert Police Crime Prevention 503-6527
Can I burn in my fire place? 506-6400
Town of Gilbert (barking/vicious dogs) 503-6500
Town of Gilbert (dead animal removal) 503-6400
Town of Gilbert (graffiti removal) 503-6500

Please help yourself by telling your title company that a sale is pending and that they must notify Borg Property Services of the pending sale. Borg Property Services has seven (7) days to inspect your house before the sale can be completed. (House bill 2299) If the inspection must be done in less than seven (7) days because they did not notify Borg Property Services, then we will charge the homeowner an extra fee. We have known title companies to ask for a rush inspection because they did not notify Borg Property Services, and the homeowner is charged the extra fee.

There is always a fee associated with this inspection. The homeowner pays this fee at closing. Contact Borg Property Services for its rates.
If you have a question or complaint concerning Stonecreek HOA, contact our property management company, which is Borg Property Services. Their office hours are 9-4 M-TH and 9-12 Friday.
Phone: (480) 456-6927 FAX: (480) 456-9439
E-mail: BorgProp@AOL.COM.
Send ALL correspondence and payments to:
Borg Property Services
1245 W. Guadalupe, #B6-306
Mesa, AZ 85202

BASE COLORS: (Dunn Edwards or equivalent)
Pheasant, Baja White, Desert Dawn,
Navajo White, Bone China

If the house will be all one color, then no ACC approval is needed provided you use an approved Base color. If you are painting the "pop-outs" (raised stucco surrounding the windows and/or garage) an approved trim color, then you do not need to submit an ACC form.

Original Cinnamon, Briar, Dry Earth, Adobe South
ROOF TILE = Monier #1604 or equivalent Lifetile #108

To review these colors call Frank at 926-4412 (Stonecreek Resident). You may review the chips in his home or checked out to review at your home. Please respect Frank as a fellow homeowner and contact him only between the hours of 10 am-8 PM, Monday-Friday. Leave a message if you get his answering machine.

If you choose a different color than those approved by the ACC, then you must submit an ACC form with a large sample of the color you wish to use. You must allow 45 days for approval of a new color.

Homeowners have painted the following locations if you would like to drive by and check them out.
543 N. Quartz street (Baja White, trim cinnamon) new
1326 E. Mineral - Desert Dawn (no trim)
1414 E. Mineral - Bone China with Dry Earth
1501 E. Commerce - Desert Dawn with Dry Earth

September 15 is the deadline for all information to be in the next issue. (1268 E. Laurel Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.)

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Se Habla Espanol
Stonecreek Resident
ATTN: All Homeowners
On the first Wednesday of each month, Top Notch Pest Control will service the inside and outside of your home for only $20.00 (Reg price $30)
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